Friday, July 31, 2009

"That's the fork I knew!"

There's a scene in the movie "Pretty Woman" where the character, Vivian (played by Julia Roberts) is sitting at a luxurious Beverly Hills restaurant. As she ponders what's on her plate, she realizes she doesn't know which utensil to use. Vivian politely leans over to her escort, Edward (played by Richard Gere) while in the company of two other gentlemen... and asked what's on her plate in a discreet voice. Edward replies. She was unfamiliar with Escargot much less how to eat it. She expected a salad, something she was familiar with... then replies "That's the fork I knew."

Vivian was confused thinking she knew which fork she was supposed to choose because she was comfortable with that type of fork.

I'm guessing most everyone has seen "Pretty Woman" since its debate was decades ago. Like the movie or not… it has a lot of great lessons if you listen versus just watching the movie.

The plot is based on a prostitute who befriends a billionaire visiting Los Angeles. As they learn more about the other’s way of life, Edward makes a comment later in the movie… “Vivian, you and I are such similar creatures.” He has loads of money and buys things to sell. She has no money and sells herself to buy things.

That is such a true statement. My dad told me "The world is revolves on selling."

Before I chose to completely reject my sinful ways, I was no different than a "Vivian." A sin is a sin…unless it's blasphemy, which is the only unforgiveable sin by God.

I was not a prostitute but maybe I was selling myself in other ways and not realizing it. Maybe I was selling my soul to be the best in my career without realizing the journey I was on as I sought the corporate world. I knew myself to be a Christian but was I align with God’s direction in my life? (I'll give you a hint: NO!)

Before Jesus Christ became the center of my life, it seemed easier. Now that I have been through an enormous amount of self discipline by God's active role in my day to day world through personal devotional time, it's not as easy to fall away from God. But it takes a desire to chose to obey God's way and laws based on the Bible.

The biggest advantage I have garnered is God's teachings for me to look at things differently. When I pray for God to open up my spiritual eyes... knock the scales off my eyes... dismantle my rose-colored worldly glasses... however you can best relate to looking at a new perspective... I now see the person I once was, living completely in my comfort zone! In other words "That was the fork I knew!"

In the movie, Vivian had recently learned which fork was more appropriate to use for a formal dinner as she was just beginning to learn something she knew nothing about. She chose to learn.

As we all learn more about God His teaching becomes contagious and the lessons are for a lifetime.

Giving your all to Him means staying on the straight and narrow path EVERYDAY. One day, week, month or year is not a commitment to God. Every day I get up with a renewed mindset to want to learn more. If you haven't experienced this, then fair warning: Your old self will subconsciously fight you inwardly as you are tempted NOT to do a daily devotional or make prayer time with God. You will have struggles.. we all do. But you will also learn a better way of life through God's perspective which is so much better than the one you think you are living.

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37 (NASB)

As I train myself to think more like Christ in EVERYthing I do and say, I sometimes think about "That's the fork I knew!" I’ve finally reached a point where I am eager to learn and remove myself from the lifestyle I lived as I see my comfort zone is diminishing more each day or each time I recover from a growth period as I enter into God's comfort zone.

It's easy to want to go back to old habits, but have you tried to move past "That's the fork I knew!" or your comfort zone?

I can't tell you how many times it seems the devil whispers in my ears... "Don't you miss "______" ? Fill in the blank for your own habits or anything that you refuse to give up because it's your choice.

If it’s your own determination to do it your way, then you are being stubborn and not even close to obeying God. That was the hardest part for me... admitting my way was not the best way.

Have you ever had one of your own children walk up to you and say "Mom, will you stop smoking because it's bad for you?" Or "Dad, why do you drink beer?"

Have you ever had one of your children go fetch a beer for you because you told them to?

Do you realize how much damage that creates when you are telling your younger generation one thing while you are doing another? That's where the term "generational curse" comes from. When you pass down habits that are not of God, you are cursing your child's future.

"All these curses will come upon you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you." Deuteronomy 28:45 (NIV)

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NIV)

I use these common examples to illustrate that when Jesus Christ is the center of your life, you want... you choose... you desire... to please your Savior. Your body and mind becomes a Temple of the Body of Christ when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. So treat it as if you are borrowing it. Your life is a gift that will keep on giving if you take care of it.

But too often we all keep going back to the fork we knew... OUR own comfort zone. Choose God's comforting zone.

There is a fork... in the road of life... and then there's "That's the fork I knew" way of life.

As always, the choice is each one's to make. So choose to stick a fork in it. It's done when you give it to God and keep giving it to God. Matthew 11:28-30

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Sunday, July 12, 2009


Driftwood is usually found on the shores of a lake or beach. Or those are the places I have found some beautiful natural sculptures from worn down weathered beaten wood washed up, particially washed up or drifting in the waterways.

Often times the wood I have discovered resembles a variety of things such as animals or people's faces or objects. Mostly what driftwood reminds me of... is time and weather. Driftwood is worn from the sun, water and wind with deeply entrenched lines or grooves sporadically placed throughout the surface on any side visible.

Driftwood comes in all shapes and sizes reminding me of people, places and things. No two pieces of nature's artwork are alike although similar as each traveled through different paths to get to a stopping or stalling point... at least long enough for someone to admire, or glance as while walking if noticed, seeing evidences of its traveled path. Sometimes driftwood becomes a souvenir... a part of someone's life displayed at home or in their office carrying memories of their enjoyable stroll along the water's edge.

Often times, I can relate to driftwood metaphorically speaking, showing scars or warn edges with indentions of time and weather. On my personal journey, I find myself soaked with burdens as I too, get weather beaten praying for the true Son to protect me and shield me from the elements of nature. Some days, I feel washed up. If I didn't have any guidance or direction ahead, I would feel just as driftwood... if it were capable of feeling... becoming accustomed to the wear and tear of emotional, physical and spiritual stress leaving marks on my life. Some pretty. Some not so pretty.

As humans, we might suggest calling subtitling ourselves "driftwould" at times in our lives. It is the “drift” that “would” lead us on a journey of choice... a way to God or away from God. Other than flowing along with a stream, river, lake or ocean guided by the force of the water's direction or sail through the winds or hazardous obstacles... that is how driftwood comes about on the shores until it lands where it does, unless retrieved, or moved. As people referring to ourselves as "driftwould," it's all about your will, whether it is driven or its drifts.

All of us weather storms, some lasting longer than we might anticipate or care to participate. We all have beautiful days in our lives if we stop long enough to notice the scenery. Even the storms teach us survivial skills.

Some of us endure a lot of rain, while others may interpret the cloud moisture overflowing as heaven drips upon us as showers of blessings. I think our journeys teach and shape our individual perspectives. It "would" be easy to drift along life's normal course following the crowd. I believe many in this lifetime have been drifters with or without knowing it, maybe never stopping long enough to view other alternative routes through life.

Life can be a "shore" thing if you are washed up, weary and tired of drifting from the storms of life in the seemingly everlasting body of water. Or perhaps, your drift would take you to the Body of Christ, where weathering life's storms are much easier with support from Christian brothers and sisters who endure stormy times in their lives.

"Driftwould" is a far better journey than driftwood. "Would" determines your choice or will in life. "Would" carries you all the way to the shorelines of an eternal home in Heaven! "Wood" is used for building things that eventually rots; burns; or deteriorates.

Words can sound the same sometimes, but have completely different definitions.

I encourage you, in these days of false promises, false prophets and false leadings, to know the God you are worshipping and what fellowship you are involving your precious time to associate with. Is it the true Body of Christ or does your current fellowships imitate the Body of Christ through habits and/or rituals as learned from generation to generation? Does your fellowship speak of Jesus Christ or just mention God? Do you ever learn about the Trinity? If not, ask! I wish I had years ago!

"'He replied: 'Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.'" Luke 21:8 (NIV)

Many are deceived when praying to a "god" and it is not the ONE true Almighty God. Do you know if you are worshiping God or a "god?" Is your worship service truly aligned with the Word of God?

Is your denomination's mission statement based on the Bible... ALL aspects of the Bible? Are you sure?

Does the "God" you worship reflect the Word of God?

Do the leaders send you downstream and into another flow of words by ad-libbing what is not accurately based on the facts of the Holy Bible?

If you don’t read the Bible, then how are you going to know for yourself what you are told is truth?

If you don’t refer to the Bible, how do you know what organization you are a member of or associate with? "Wood" and "would" sound the same, but I know the difference. God and "god" sound the same but I know the difference! Which way are you drifting... following God Almighty or as in a dead piece of timber, incapable of being more than a stick in the mud or washed up.


There is only ONE Bible, which "would" be God’s Holy Word. NO other Bible from any organization or denomination is a substitute for God’s Holy Word!

Read your Bible daily. Drift in the direct pathway of Righteous as Jesus Christ did, does, and would!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Nothing Too Hard

“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17 (NIV)

Through prayer, we have the single most powerful connection to the Almighty God in Heaven. Have you thought about that incredible fact lately?

It goes back to the post about "My Father is into Plaid." God is a matrix.

God is omnipresent.

God is love.

God is truth.

God is everything to all people at the same time. Nothing is too hard for Him!

Love Him.

Share Him.

Exalt Him.

Worship Him.

Adore Him.

Get to know Him. He knows all about you, and you think you’re complex? He knows everything about everyone. Nothing is too hard for Him.

He is the Sovereign Lord of ALL! Nothing is too hard for Him. We make it harder on ourselves than we should each day. Pray to the Father for guidance. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Tell Him everything that concerns you. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Ask God to reveal what burdens you may need to release to Him. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Depend on Him to get you through anything and everything life throws at you. Nothing is too hard for Him.

With all the happenings in the world at one instance, God is in full control. Nothing is too hard for Him.

PRAISE GOD, and be extremely thankful for nothing is too hard for Him!

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

How May I Serve You Today

Customer service is a big issue these days. The economy is so slow, when anyone walks through a retail door, or contacts a business for services; hospitality is a huge factor with first impressions.

But what about just “service” internally with other coworkers. Or how you interact with your friends? And the biggest challenge some day is your family members?!

Really a person’s outlook is transformed or mirrored by other people’s outlook on life. It can be contagious, whether it’s good or bad.

Let’s say you go to a store, ready to check out at the counter. You’re never greeted but just the opposite occurs! You’re completely ignored while the employee is busy on the phone.

If you were a patient person, you might wait until they were finished not interrupting. If you were in a hurry you might smile… or not smile.. and leave. Or you might hang around just to give them a piece of your “aggravated, tired, I have a life, too” attitude.

Have you ever thought that even though you are the customer your attitude may influence their life that day? Perhaps they are very rude and give you the pointer finger as if to say “hold just a moment; I get to you when I finish this call.”

Maybe you were in a hurry and anxious. Maybe their behavior is way out of line. Either way as customers, don’t we feel we have a certain privilege because… after all… we are spending OUR money towards their business!

Customer service is important but so is “client” service or client representation, or let’s just say it best... “Christ-like” representation. In my opinion, service is a two way street. It’s not any better acting aggravated and huffy instead of being patience or at least nice as long as you are close enough for someone to see the expression on your face or possibly hear your deep breathing not so silent “sigh.”

The employee is way out of line by not putting down the phone, but do you know if they were expecting an important call? Do you know if the other caller was someone who would not allow the employee be free to help those in person or maybe the person on the other line didn’t want to be put on hold? Do you know if their manager gave them instructions to answer the phone and wait on the customers?

The point is, often times we think we know more than we do.

But what are we as customers who are treated “rudely” based on our viewpoint of the situation to do? Is illustrating to others not behaving politely the best choice? As Christians are we not to teaching others by example?

Just because someone else is rude and not doing their job… no matter which side of the counter or desk you are on in the retail and/or business… the “counter attack” should be courteous.

What drives anyone’s attitude?

It’s their will… it’s your will… it’s my will!

It is totally and completely someone’s will to be rude, nice, polite, stuck up, lame, slow, peppy, childish, jovial or distraught!

Any of us can choose to be Christ-like whether we are a minister by profession or a Christian by faith (which we are called to be all ministers for God all the time.)

“If you decide that it's a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you'd rather serve—and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you're now living. As for me and my family, we'll worship God.” Joshua 24:15

Basically, it’s your call or will. It’s your decision to serve God every morning when your feet hit the floor whether you are feeling great or having a “flesh” day. On the flesh days… tell God right then that you are having a bad day! Ask Him to guide you so you can set a better example that day for someone else. I’m sure you have heard this expression which is so true…”You may be the only living Bible someone witnesses.” Everyone, including myself...are so quick... instantly quick… to base everything about someone else on first impressions!

It’s an individual choice. It’s your will or His will.

It makes or breaks you every day how you determine to face the world. Seek God first in your life, always no matter how long your day lasts! I try my best every day and fall short, but I keep trying. When I hit the floor from my restful slumber, I wake up in a prayer state of mind. It has been a training process and an area of discipline for me, but it is wonderful to know I have God actively in my life!

Ask God to help you have a better attitude. Then ask Him, “How may I serve You today?”

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Scripture reference is MSG.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Psalm 91:1 Numbers for Safety

Psalm 91 is a favorite chapter of mine in the Bible. The Psalmist refers to the Scriptures as "Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord."

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 91:1. The very first verse sets the tone of the ultimate safety zone for security in this life as our Great and Mighty God, the Utmost Highest, is always with us.

I often refer to Psalm 9:11 as the Numbers for Safety.

Our country has come to depend on 911 when calling for emergencies. But 911 also have a stark reminder of the September 11th invasion on our nation's homeland, as our own were struck down without warning.

Fear and terror can immobilize any of us from time to time, whether it's a small thing to someone else or a huge task many would shy away from, it is still fear.

The Scripture reassures us to rest in God as He protects us.

Nothing is too great for the Lord Almighty as we should always trust in Him to watch over us, no matter what we are facing or where we are feet trod.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1 (NASB)

In seeking for God's protection as He watches over His people, stay close to Him. Stay within the Father's Shadow by communicating with Him in prayer, praise, song, worship, and journal your experience, thoughts or concerns.

Keep Him close in thought as you are always in His thoughts. You are the reason He exists and He is the reason we exist! You can't get any closer than knowing your very existence is what our Creator is all about! How incredible that He loves each of us so much. It's impossible to fathom His love, protection and safety He offers!

Image a huge solid oak tree about six or seven feet in diameter, rich in years with deep roots as the tree is tall. To stay in the tree's shadow as the sun beams down, you really have to be close to the base of the tree where the roots begin their descent into the ground.

That's where I try to stay; close in His Shadow... in the root of His Word where I find peace, comfort, trust and protection from everything else as God is my All! When I get away from the base of the tree, then I am the one who is "out on a limb!"

Stay grounded in the Word of God, keeping Him in your thoughts consciously every day. It makes life so much more pleasant and hard times or hot sun stricken days won't seem to burn you as much.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If You Can?

Jesus said, “'If You can?' All things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23

The New Testament story in the Book of Mark is remarkable!

A crowd quickly gathers around Jesus when father and his son approaches calling out “Teacher, I brought You my son, possessed with a spirit which makes him mute; and whenever it seizes him, it slams him to the ground and he foams at the mouth, and grinds his teeth and stiffens out. I told your disciples to cast it out, and they could not do it.” Matthew 9:17-18

Did you notice the immediate illustration of faith the father of the child had in Jesus? It's the way he addressed Him... “Teacher!” If the father didn’t believe Jesus could heal his son, he would never address Him as Teacher. The Scripture further explains what happens to the man’s son when a spirit strikes him.

Today, in 2009, we might refer to such medical illnesses based on his symptoms as a seizure disorder. But do you wonder why can we don't see miracles in our present day as in what some refer to as "Biblical" days? I have witnessed miraculous healings through prayer. I have seen God’s mighty power heal several individuals afflicted with health problems and emotional issues. I believe deep seeded faith had everything to do with it.

Why don’t we don't see more miracle healings today? Jesus answers the question thousands of years ago which is applicable today...

“And He answered them, ‘O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring Him to Me!’” Mark 9:19

Jesus speaks to those standing around as they call Him “Teacher” as the crowd continues to grow so eager to hear more of His knowledge on how to live their lives. Yet, they are an “unbelieving generation!” Is that not the same eagerness many of us have, yet the ones who believe, how deep is your faith? How far are you willing to shed your old ways of "unbelief" or barriers that may be blocking God's work in you or another you pray for?

Why do you suppose people do not relate to the Bible in today?

Many of us are a non-believing generation, which seems to be spreading down through the generations at a rampant pace. That's the sad part. The Bible is on target with today's problems and issues as it was WAY back then. Personally, I did not read the Bible as I should before I was mentored. I was draw to learn the Bible. It became passionate resource for when I needed guidance from God.

As a world that is becoming smaller with satellite communications, most would think our technology would help advance spreading the Word of the Gospel, witnessing unprecedented miracles of God. Instead, it seems to permeate the message versus enforcing it.

By not seeing grand miracles such as healings from cancer or seizures as a result of casting out bad spirits as in the times Jesus walked this earth, then we might ask ourselves if we have faith... a deep seeded faith... enough to pray with someone and believe with all your heart and soul they will be healed in Jesus Christ's name?

If we had deeper faith, walked the way the Lord would have us in each of our lives, I believe we would see the news headlines talk about more miracles and less mediocrity!

Could it be the media is a distraction to guide us as a nation into a trance, keeping our attention on the latest chaos? That is pure and simply the devil creating a distraction to keep us velcroed to our chairs. There is nothing wrong with watching the TV or listening to the radio, etc. But we need to balance our time wisely.

Do any of us give God as much time as you watch TV, or do any other hobby?

Miracles are happening all around in simple ways all the time. But when God lays it on any of our hearts to pray with someone or to pray for someone... are we sincere?

Do we really pray for one another with faith like it was our own life is at stake?

In the story... it was a father's child who needed healing. God bless all the little ones who suffer from such atrocities.

I had to examine my own faith and it was far from where it is currently, and I still have a long ways to go in learning more about God in every way!

If you have faith in Jesus with God's Word in your heart and believe HE will heal you from physical or emotional problems, He will!

But is it His will?

It's God’s decision if you are healed on earth or in heaven in you believe in Jesus, but God tells us He searches our hearts all the time. God makes that call as He sees the big picture, but I also believe God can change things if we ask, earnestly. Pray for God to heal someone if you believe and have faith. You doubt in your mind someone may not be healed then pray that they would be comforted by God as they struggle or their family struggles.

God answers prayers but what if we don't ask... how can He answer?

It may be a health or emotional problem you're facing is a mission for God to work through you as demonstrate strong unwavering faith in Him. Max Lucado's devotion was in a similar topic this week. It is faith that makes or breaks your belief. Lack of faith dwindles or diminishes your belief.

Every day, we should awake refreshed with greater faith in our Father in Heaven! Believe and watch miracles unfold all around as you pray to the Father. Ask Him to open up your spiritual eyes! Ask God to show you how to deepen your faith in Him.

Jesus cast out the demon in the boy because the child's father believed Jesus could heal him. The last verse... Jesus answering His disciples when they asked “Why could we not drive it out?” Jesus replied “This kind of cannot come out by anything but prayer!”

Pray to God for your faith to be strengthened by Him!

Believe when others doubt!

Rejoice over the smallest of miracles. God will place bigger miracles in your life as you pray to Him, praise Him, and please Him by showing others you have unwavering faith in God!

Be a believer from the tip of your toes to the top of your head and everything in between. Then and only then will you be able to experience faith in God in a new and deeper way!

If You can?

Do you doubt healing by Jesus thinking “if He can?” Then perhaps all of our prayer to Jesus should be “Yes, You can… through me!”

Believers cannot be believers if they don’t fully believe.

It’s all or nothing for God.

Believe, pray for faith, and the possible will happen!

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*Scripture references are NASB

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Smell of Fear Downwind

I awoke this morning distressed with a whiff of fear as I almost allowed myself to briefly panic as the bait of evil lurked in the distance trying to have me wallow in self pity, worthlessness, and "What good am I doing for God?"

If you give into self versus leaning on God, you might as well go out and roll around in a pig pen. That’s exactly what the enemy wants your spiritual world to be like. He wants you to stink to high heaven!

Instead of allowing “me” to be all about “me,” I have learned to promptly retreat to the Lord in prayer as I read Scripture out loud at times when my faith needs assurance. It has taken many months to understand how to handle days like today. This lesson was NOT learned overnight.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

As I continue to pray for God to open up a door for more work, tears began streaming down my face. My business is drying up like a dust bowl but I keep going forward because I sure as heck don’t want to go back to the way I was living.

My modest freelance business has provided me with feast and famine times. There have been projects overflowing with abundant blessings to meet and exceed my bills. Then there are other times when no projects are in sight as famine kicks in. I believe it’s God’s way of teaching me to handle the good with the bad, and still have a happy heart as we are expected to depend on God and be thankful to Him at all times.

“…in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB)

It’s not an easy learning task but the blessings from God’s lessons are mighty, powerful and fearless as the enemy attempts to attack and destroy.

“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

During feast times, I always feel confident and secure as money is the key factor. During the famine season, or dry spells, I have learned to swallow my pride as I humbly work any job where my skills could be used.

In the everyday natural world, you will often sense or smell fear unless you are
living in God's spiritual world which is simply learning more about God!

Remember God is a Spirit! There are two worlds evolving on earth at the same time. The spiritual world many Christians don’t seem to care to discuss (possibly based on fear?) and the natural world as we see things in plain vision.

When God arrives in your life as He did in mine, I welcomed Him with open arms asking to be cleansed from my old ways. He answered my prayer request. When He pulled my spiritual nose plugs out... “WHOA! WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL???” It was fear of being what God wanted me to be instead of what I knew how to be.

Fear attracts the enemy out of thin air like stink on a stick. The devil scourers the earth as a fear monger, spiritually trying to entice you with the stench of fear. His number one goal is for any of us to return to our old comfort zone and reject God.

Remember, God DOES NOT give you the spirit of fear! So where does it come from? If it ain’t from God, then it must be from the side of E V I L which is “live” spelled backwards. Interesting??? How do you "live"... backwards or forwards?

It was not until my struggles became reality then I not only sympathized but empathized with others who are in worse shape than my situation. But here’s the GREAT news!!! God promises He will meet our needs! He has met mine since I stepped out on faith and long before my first cry on this earth.

“The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11 (NIV)

Reality Check: Stench of Fear Alert!

Today is a day like most Christians experience from time to time as you draw nearer to the Lord. God is breaking down barriers and taking away issues which keep us from being what He needs us to be for Him. Some how when that happens intuitively, our innerds start freaking!

When I begin to wear down during my financial famine, I sense the enemy is waiting on the edge of my God's safety zone around me as he tries to lure me back into my old life. I can just see the enemy with his party hats and party horns as he is ready to have a fireworks celebration in honor of my demise as fear is the factor and the smell draws him like flies to honey!

Fortunately, the adversary must have been greatly disappointed with this believer as I continue to lean on the Word of God for His strength.

The unwavering fluctuating fear I experience at times reminds me of a 24 hour virus. There is no self cure. There is not a quick fix. Only the Great Physician can heal your troubled fears and dispose of your anxiety. Then rest in Him as Jesus tells us in the Book of Matthew… "I will give you rest.”

It was a realistic day in the life of this Christian. For a fleeting moment, I wondered if this blog or anything I do for God is the right direction. Those doubts were placed in my mind to create despair and fear as the enemy wants me to return to my sinful life and ignore God.

As I sign off, I assure you the stench of fear did not linger around me for very long as God’s sweet words of comfort were sent to me through an earthly angel named Hoskins. God bless him!

I share my struggles with for one reason only… not for pity… but to be honest. Stepping out on faith is harder work than a regular job with a regular income. I know deadlines intimately having made a career in the publishing business. And believe me, the earthly deadlines we think are important are nothing compared to the final deadline that will come when Jesus returns!

I know what it’s like to having a great salary, live in my own home, be able to pay my mortgage with plenty of food in the pantry and lots of nice clothes in my closet.

I needed to experience the famine to fully appreciate the feast! And my famine is STILL A LONG ways from true famine. Thank you God for the rich blessings in my life!

The only true way to experience God’s blessings is to learn what His blessings entail. Remember to thank God in every situation. Should you ever go without, you will have walked as many souls are doing currently in our own country! It’s a lesson many Americans, including myself need, or needed, to learn as only God can teach when we allow Him to really unplug your spiritual senses! Are you too wired into this world? God unplugged is phenonmenal!

Don’t be afraid, or fear, to live in God’s world on this earth. Let go and let God assures your maturity in Christ and will allow you to walk closer to Him.

In God’s world, fear stays downwind, permanently!

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

God First

"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me.” Isaiah 44:6 (NASB)

I share these Scriptures with you as I do with myself as a reminder of who God is, and should be in every life. First. God should be first. God should always be first.

Any less than placing God first in your life each day as a Christian simply means God is not the center of your life. That places self in the center of your life with God shoved to the side.

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever.” Psalm 52:8 (NIV)

If your soul and spirit represent a fruit tree, how deep are your roots into the most nurturing soil known to man… God’s Holy Word, the Bible?

How can your fruit tree grow in a corner if you allow other non-producing items or issues to stand where the tree of life should be getting complete nourishment with water and the Son’s light?

Is there any fruit to bear on your tree?

If so, is the fruit partially mature?

Personally, my fruit tree needed a lot of nurturing. I had a lot of dead limbs that needed pruning, and my fruit was not fully mature. I didn’t soak up the Son’s light, nor did I have my roots in the right soil, God’s Word. I was watered down and water logged with my own direction and way of thinking.

“Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:2 (NIV)

God is first in my life. Not just for a season or a reason. God is first in my life for the rest of my life! He loves me… you… everyone… unconditionally!

There is no reason to question my devotion or loyalty. I'm not crazy. For some who will read "Preprayer Yourself" and have known me from high school, college, and/or in my professional career before I stepped out on faith, you may be wondering if I have lost my mind. No. I finally found my mind…set. And it is for God… ALL about God… God FIRST!

“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

I had a great deal to learn. Patience was at the top of my list. And not just for a few hours but to be patient all the time. I did not realize how impatient I was until the love of God won over the rage of my deep seeded anger which stemmed from my childhood. (BEFORE my little brother was born whom I love very much.) That is a L-O-N-G time to carry around stinky baggage I didn’t realize was so heavy, much less having it hang all over me spiritually! God's angels probably held their noses while keeping me safe!

When I learned more about compassion, I became gentler learning to illustrate kindness and thoughtfulness. God taught me through the geriatrics He placed in my life that didn't have any family and would have annoyed the family if they had. When one in particular passed away last fall, I could see where she had been good for me, and through God, I had been good for her. God taught us both great lessons through one another. Since God is a Spirit, that is how God works... through others and through you as you allow Him. Being mean-spirited is NOT of God.

In striving to reach humility... well I'm ashamed to admit it was buried way down deep inside. Through God’s love and discipline, I finally learned what it was like to be humble in spirit to God.

He is the reason I am alive instead of just walking through life wasting time as if I have years to live. We're not promised tomorrow. We live as if we are, but we only have this moment as we breath. Yes, agendas are important, but my point is... why waste time when you get make a difference in you!

I try to enjoy each day with the sorrowful and happy times just like most anyone else. But I do so because I pray away my burdens. (Matthew 11:28-30)

God always comes through as He provides for me in ways I would never have imagined. God is faithful. God is love. God is merciful.

“Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” Jude 1:21 (NIV)

In my life before 2007, God was not first. God was not second. God was not third. God was. That’s it. God was. I deprived my own life from knowing God in the fullest.

I knew there was more to learn about God’s Word, but who else can I blame about NOT knowing the Holy Spirit all those years?

Should I have blamed my minister?

Should I have blamed my parents?

Should I have blamed other Christians?

Who should I have blamed?

Let me present these questions in another way.

Who am I (and you) going to answer to on Judgment Day?

Will it be my (your) minister, my (your) parents, other Christians?

No.... Christa will be answering!

Perhaps there could have been more taught in our church at the time so I was more aware. But I am an adult. I make my choices. God did not have my attention because I did not give God my attention.

When I was a young child, turning into a teenager, I knew I was called by God to serve Him in His ministry. But I was afraid. I went in other directions. Plus it was not cool to be so “goody two shoes,” even though I was never a "party" person, or a trouble maker. I did have vices I have had to give to God. My life is all the better for coming clean. But it is by His grace I was able to be cleansed.

Good deeds will not get any one into heaven. You can be good all day long and all night long, but it is professing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith that gets a soul into heaven!

I pray you will place God first if you aren't already focused on God. He is a Spirit and HE is all around you. He sees what you do, He hears what you say, He feels what you feel… every second you are alive on this earth. When I learned that fact, I was ashamed of my behavior. I was ashamed that I had not walked Christ-like, even though I would say I had been a good person. But I could have been better. Now I work towards being better as I place God first.

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” Colossians 1:15 (NASB)

What to know more about God? READ. I should have years ago.

Got questions? Ask God. I did. Guess what? He answers!

Prayer is free, better on bended knees.

God First!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Humble, Pray, Seek.

"...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NASB)

This Scripture is powerful; perfect for our nation's time of self destruction. God can do, what no man can do! God can lead us out of bondage if we place Him first in our lives and our country!

The Scripture instructs what we must do for God to heal land...

1.) Humble yourselves before the Lord!

2.) Pray from your heart. Be sincere, if you desire God's miracles in this generation!

3.) Seek His Face... meaning seek God! Learn God, read His Word. Live by His ways, His will, then and 0nly then will His wonders bless the United States of America.

We are suffering, and will continue to suffer, because we are lazy in allowing this country to be led by many in public offices that are not trustworthy, and do not have our country's best interest at heart.

Our nation's future is at stake!

Pray for God to bless our current leaders; to correct our current course; and create within our hearts, the desire to be as Christ would have us to be.

"...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NASB)

It's not too late, but it may be closer than any one would ever have imagined.

May God bless you!

May God bless our country!

May God bless our troops wherever they are serving on this 4th of July Day of Independence Day... and every day as men and women put their lives on the line for our freedom!

Humble, Pray, Seek.
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Friday, July 3, 2009

Faith, Family and Country: First Things First

“Thinking outside of the box” is exactly what the United States of America’s Founding Fathers did to create our country for freedom.

Freedom of religion speaks right to the very core of my heart as all the freedoms we are so privileged to enjoy in this great nation! Our country was founded on “In God, We Trust; Almighty God; Creator of the Universe; and the Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior; and as a joint heir, my Heavenly Father.”

How fortunate we have been for so many years to be abundantly blessed! How close we may be to losing the very freedom we have always known as it appears the U.S. laws of this nation land are quickly changing through with major recontruction and change we as a country can not literally afford to live with.

Just like anything else, freedom can be abused, creating deception; or freedom can exist with respect to do the right thing.

This afternoon I witnessed a Christian, who is a great leader in my humble opinion, take a stand for what is right. She is not running from anything. I believe she is running for God's directives as He is opening new pathways for Sarah Palin to help jolt America into action. I believe God is listening to sincere prayers from citizens who are hurting, begging for leadership from Him. Whether Sarah ever has another working title or not, she is entitled as a joint heir walking with the most precious title a soul could ever have for all eternity. She is a Christian.

She is in the process of giving up a title of political leadership. That doesn't maker her any less in the Father's eyes. Perhaps she will be blessed with a higher title with more responsibility, should she choose to run for public office again. Or if she decides to be a spokesperson endorsing what is right for this country! Whatever her aspirations, as long as she places God first, she will succeed no matter how many oppose her. When God protects His own, no harm will come to you.

Today, as I listened carefully to Sarah Palin's* speech, she aims to go beyond precendented limitations which seem to have confined her abilities to a political office of four walls. Or better said, a box! As I have watched, listened, and read a great deal about Sarah, she makes it clear that she is not content with doing business as usual; the same old ways of doing politics. What I sensed today was Sarah Palin stepping out on faith!

This blog or testimonial space will not be a forum for political insights or opinions, but for viewpoints when I see Christians from all walks of life, walking the walk and not just talking the talk!

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (like her or not), is a Christian who is boldly speaks her heart, her mind, and constantly speaks of God, prayer, and faith!

Based on the media reports and reading her statement, Sarah Palin will resign from her current position effective July 26, 2009. By not completing her full term as Governor of Alaska, I believe she is stepping out on faith to allow her to return to the freedom she a civilian. That makes perfect sense in choosing to speak on the eve of July 4th. It's about her having the freedom to speak out so this country will hopefully be able to continue to speak out. Whatever course of action she is led, Sarah's mission is to wake up America from the trance which seems to be more of a curse.

As a country, we have allowed our nation to be damaged by "politics as usual." This process started long before the current administration was voted into office. But it’s time to stop it! It’s time someone stepped out on faith and stepped up to speak out on what is ethically and morally going bad with our country.

I support her as I have no doubts she will put her best foot forward, whatever her political aspirations may be or not be. Why? Sarah chooses to place GOD FIRST!

“I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your loving kindness and Your truth from the great congregation.” Psalm 40:10 (NIV)

Can you name anyone else in public office who speaks of God, prayer and blessings?

I sense her decision based on her statements, to be truthful and from her heart. In her closing remarks today Sarah stated, “I gotta put First things first”... “look north to the future. God bless you!”

As she places God first in her decision making, Sarah is allowing God to guide her steps and direction, politically connected or as a spokesperson for what is right and truthful.

“He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart.” Psalm 15:2 (NASB)

Sarah is in a position through God’s immense blessings of spiritual wisdom and knowledge, to help turn our country towards the very foundation in which it was created.

Our nation’s foundation of morals and ethics are diminishing quickly as if we were standing on sand instead of the Rock of Jesus Christ. If America does not return to what is Biblically right diverting from what is severely wrong... we as a nation will continue to be our own worst enemy.

In Sarah's decision to take an unusual direction by complete surprise, she broke the mold of what is politically correct "according" to every one's else rules!

Isn’t that what God asks each of us to do every day in shedding our old ways? To do what He lays on heart even if it's not a "normal" way of doing things?

“…knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin...” Romans 6:6 (NASB)

Sarah does not believe in corruption which is sin. That doesn't mean she is perfect, but she illustrates strong Christian values. She took a stand today for ethical values as she is putting a stop to government wasteful spending. Sarah could not do her job as governor stating that she was spending 80 percent of time on her job not doing what the residents of Alaska voted her to do.

Instead, she accomplished in two years, what was a four year agenda. How is that possible? Sarah Palin said it best... “I put my faith, family and country first!” She has her priorities in the right order!

I believe, Sarah gets blasted and ripped by so many people because it is a spiritual conflict. Many are drawn to her strength, yet many want to drain her to dust. I believe it is because Christ is within her which draws enormous crowds and also draws enormous amounts of heat. She is strong in her beliefs. She is a threat to the “old ways of doing things!” She is refreshing!

She has strategically positioned herself to think outside the box.”

In thinking outside the box, have you ever thought the “box” could be your coffin? Why continue living like everyone else which may be dead ends in life, instead of new beginnings?

Have you ever thought how God can show each of us in our individual territories, small or large, many alternatives to get things accomplished versus “going along with what’s expected”... or “going along with the crowd,” just because it seemed the thing to do?

Until we, as a nation, decide to educate ourselves and quit listening to what the media is placing in front of us and read the facts, deception will create scales over our eyes versus seeing the truth of God. I know based on my vision before God knocked the scales off my eyes, I saw things my way. I was probably looking through rose colored glasses and didn't want to see or be educated on how life really is once you completely decide to allow Jesus in your heart. No more compromises, only commandments of God are allowed when a Christian prays to see things God's way.

“Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again... Act 9:18 (NIV)

Although I do not condone cursing, Palin said one of her kids voted yes stating “Hell, yeah!” As she asked for their votes of stepping away from the office as governor, or stay in a battle with a relentless badgering which was garnering nothing for those who depend on Alaska, within the state and outside the state.

Sarah Palin was recently in Iraq on a visit. What comes to mind... and this is only my thought… if she were able to communicate or visit with her oldest son, Track, who is currently serving in Iraq for the United States Armed Forces, perhaps those were his words. I’m guessing Track is in a war zone a.k.a “hell zone!”

Track might see more than any of us could fathom. He puts his life on the line, as thousands of other troops do each day, for our freedom! I believe he would support his mother in anything that was right. It appears Sarah's goal is to get the attention of the American people to realize things need to be different than they are in this world. I base this on her outspoken views before and after the current president of the U.S.A.

Think outside the box!

Think outside of the same ol' same ways of doing! Live as God would call you to live; to be free from the enemy’s traps and snares.

“Those who seek my life lay snares for me; And those who seek to injure me have threatened destruction, And they devise treachery all day long.” Psalm 38:12 (NASB)

Sarah did just that today by walking away from traps and snares. She is a hunter. She knows when to avoid battles that are useless and not for the glory of God as a servant to Him or as a public servant!

On a much smaller level, I also followed God. When I stepped out on faith, it was a shock to say the least to many of my friends and family. It went against the grain! The upheaval I faced when I did as God called me to follow His lead, is tremendous but once you obey Him, learn to live as He would call you to live, it is extremely worthwhile! Now, that is REAL CHANGE!

Sarah will come out better for choosing her battles wisely. I believe this to be true because God also blessed me as I continue to seek Him to lead my direction. This blog spot is a direct result of obeying His direction, otherwise my testimony or what I have learned would never be shared.

I believe the Utmost High is listening to His children's prayers as our country appears to be headed south, figuratively speaking. Palin said “...look north to the future...” and she is right. In more ways than some may comprehend, God is working in her life.

I implore you to pray earnestly to the Father to turn our country back over to His ways. One day, we may all wake up with NO freedom, or Independence, or anything else our wonderful country has been so richly blessed from sea to shining sea!

There was a time when the United States of America placed God first! It’s time to get back to the basics of God!

I pray for Sarah Palin and many others who represent our Lord and Savior in whatever work they do for our Almighty God, wherever He leads them!

May God bless America!

May God bless you!

Please pray for God to lead our nation back to Him as our One faithful God!
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*Photograph by The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman/AP

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Best Said

As far back as I can remember I’ve always had a “best friend” throughout my life for a season or a reason.

My first one was my Cocker Spaniel named Sandy. My mother named him for his blond buff color. As a four year old child, that was the beginning of my love for animals, especially dogs!

Sandy was loyal, happy to see me no matter what was going on in his world as he always had a sparkle in his eyes with his little short tail wagging with such excitement. He loved to be petted and he followed me wherever I went in our neighborhood.

Sandy was the best listener. If I didn’t see him, I called his name and he came running no matter how far apart we were in the yard. Usually, he was closer than I thought! I would hug and hold to Sandy when I was happy, sad or lonely. He never tired of our time together and neither did I. How special my first dog was for me as I was an only child at the time, illustrating unconditional love. How strange that dog spelled backwards is God.

Except for the little nubby tail wagging, that descriptive relationship pretty much depicts my friendship with Jesus Christ.

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

I know Jesus must smile when I call out to Him because He’s always glad to hear from me. He never tires of my prayers and the time I spend with Him. He is the best listener I have ever known as I sense Him comforting me in times of distress or blessings every day which brings cheerfulness to my heart. And if He were to stand right in front of me as a human, I would hug him tightly and remind Him… He is my best friend and I love Him. And as Hebrews 13:5 reminds us, true friendship is free!

True friends don’t have to spend a penny on each another. If you have to buy your way into someone’s life… think again.

If you feel you are trying to buy another’s love so they will spend time with you… think again.

Real friendship is about the value of the friendship not the amount of money, but rather the amount of time. Time is a gift, paid in full by Jesus. Enjoy your time. Enjoy your real friends. Through God’s extravagant love and grace, salvation is free because Jesus died to pay our debt to sin.

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe…” Romans 3:22 (NIV)

There is no ticket for sale to enter into heaven. A person must accept Jesus Christ through faith. If you haven’t, ask Jesus to come into your heart, your mind, your actions, your words, your family, your ways and your will of doing... then you can be a true representative of Christ, a true friend of Jesus, a true person of faith or true to yourself!

We all make mistakes. My Father in Heaven knows that often I feel as if my share of mistakes is beyond His quota! But that is the beauty of God's forgiveness; there is no quota!

Jesus took on all of our debts, transgressions and burdens. By asking forgiveness from Him; from others or as you give forgiveness to others… our quota is wiped cleaned. All is forgiven! When trusting in Jesus then we can become better in our lives for ourselves, and better as friends to others. As it is written…

"The king summoned the man and said, 'You evil servant! I forgave your entire debt when you begged me for mercy. Shouldn't you be compelled to be merciful to your fellow servant who asked for mercy?' The king was furious and put the screws to the man until he paid back his entire debt. And that's exactly what my Father in heaven is going to do to each one of you who doesn't forgive unconditionally anyone who asks for mercy." Matthew 18:32 (MSG)

By allowing your heart to be free of sin, your gift of love is freely given. There is no greater love than what I have for Jesus. He is the love of my life. He is the friend I have looked for many times when I turned to others instead of turning to prayer.

His incredible unconditional love which transcends time, hurt, joy or sadness, happens when I least expect it as I cross paths with dear friends. Those friends are angels without wings when we need to be reminded “You are loved.”

I am grateful to God for being able to experience friendships of unconditional love through my friends that love Him as I do.

When I stepped out on faith, I learned who my true friends were in Christ as they continue to stand by my side while Jesus stands for all of us as the One who showed us what real love is… when you lay your life down for another.

Trust doesn't come easy, but when I resigned from my corporate job, I trusted God to guide my steps as I knew He would protect me, provide for me and never leave my side. He did after all, lay down His life for every one!

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (NASB)

As I share my perspectives as I learn in reading Scriptures... “that one lay down his life for his friends” could be interpreted as stopping your life long enough for another by giving your time, yourself, your heart to those who need your full attention as a Christ-like companion.

There is no greater love than His love as I experience the best love possible from Him through my friends. I’m blessed by having a family of friends and friends who are in my immediate family. My relatives, who are my friends, have been the best friends I have ever had in my life. That’s a rare and wonderful gift. All friendships are a gift!

Jesus sets the example as He is always near to be your friend in the best of times and the worst of times... all the time!

Best said… I choose Him as He lives through those who choose Him. That's when the "best" is revealed in each of us as we become good and faithful friends.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do NOT Disturb!

My younger life was blessed in many so ways. I was an only child until I was seven years old. After that, my bedroom door stayed closed when my little brother became a toddler and grew up to enjoy pestering me. I probably lived with my bedroom door closed more than it was open. I never thought about making a “Do Not Disturb” sign to hang on my door. Then again, he was too young to read. But he always seemed to barge into whatever I was doing.

I’m sure I did the same thing to my parents when I was growing up. With their door closed, I would either knock or just go right in at times. My guess is they would have appreciated less interference and more politeness to always knock and not just walk right in.

Working in the marketing and public relations business for over 20 years, I can also tell you there is nothing more irritating than people coming and going in and out of your office door when you have a huge deadline. I have locked my door at work, only to have someone with a master key unlock it to grab my attention. PR takes a lot of patience and flexibility, which I have had garner over the years with so many projects and work due at once! That is an area God had to indeed teach me.

Lock it up tight!

The exterior doors to our homes have at least one lock if not a deadbolt, chain, or slide lock. Perhaps all three! This day and time, our society seems to be more careful about leaving their residence or work locations unlocked. In my hometown, many years ago, some of our neighbors never locked their houses. Instead left the keys in their cars whether at home or at work or while parked to go shopping. Locked doors were not an issue!

Now it seems we all have to be more cautious using wisdom as we pray for protection in the natural. When answering our doors at home to strangers, or traveling in a larger city it can be a good thing to lock your car doors even while sitting at red lights. It seems door locking has become a major priority in the past 30 years or less. We no longer live in a part of the world where you can simply leave your doors unlocked. At least if not locked, then it seems doors have to be shut for various reasons.

Doors being shut in the natural are a way of life. Doors shut in the spiritual are just the opposite. Jesus knocked on your door before you accepted Him by faith. When you said… “I want Jesus in my heart,” your spiritual door opened wide. As it is written…

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelations 3:20 (NASB)

Listen for His knock. Listen for His voice through others.

When praying for opportunities to reach others, I ask the Father to please open up a doorway or a passage way so I may be a vessel for Him. I pray for barriers to be moved so pathways can be cleared for His work to be done for God’s glory.

Before I stepped out on faith, I would never have thought to pray specifically in such a way or have a strong desire to be a vessel or instrument for God in this lifetime.

My spiritual door was shut! And shut tight! The sign hanging read “DO NOT DISTURB!” In fine print below, I am guessing it read something like… “I like my life like it is… thank you Jesus for saving me, and I look forward to seeing you in Heaven.”

That was the extent of my spiritual knowledge of God! I did not want my spiritual door to be open to whatever God wanted me to do! I wanted to do what I wanted to do but be saved. What I did was say… “Jesus, I can handle life. Thanks for watching over me, but I have it in control.” That is probably like asking a welcomed guest or friend to leave because you don’t want them around any longer! As Gomer Pyle use to say “For shame, For shame, For shame!”

I had to seek GOD before He entered my life again in a very intimate way to know Him personally. I had strayed away and my spiritual door was DEAD bolted!

You may be thinking… “But if you accepted Jesus Christ earlier in your life does that mean you are no longer saved?” I can’t give a definitive answer to the question on the subject of “once saved, always saved.” I do know we are expected and commanded as Christians to grow in God’s grace. Live by HIS rules as HE rules our life. Scriptures tells of this in the Bible.

God will never force Himself on anyway. He will leave you alone if that is your desire. But what a life you think you’re living only to learn that you shut Jesus out when it’s all said and done! You may have an angel walking around behind you in the spiritual world calling out “Dead one walking! Dead bolted and locked down.”

For those who believe when accept Jesus in your heart that’s it the end of God’s expectations for your life… It’s just the beginning! Your spiritual door should have a sign that reads “Come on in! Open to my Lord and Savior 24/7. How may I serve you?”

“…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:13-14 (NIV)

Give it a “think”…

How much is your door open to His way of living which begins with you… within you?

Have you just gone through the motions of asking Jesus to come into your heart by opening your door, only to have a spring attached to automatically close on Him as He stands there?

Have you accepted the call of acting like Jesus is in your heart by ripping off your spiritual door at the hinges???

From my personal experience; when I was touched by Jesus Christ, there was and continues to be, a devoted passion which wells up inside as the Holy Spirit comes alive! The desire to return to my old self and old ways diminished with discipline.

You will be tempted. Oh, yes! The enemy wants to board up your spiritual door, give you all the locks you want, and some you don’t want. ANY thing to keep you from opening your door to Jesus every day you’re granted a breath to do something for Him... or for others as He directs you... or in knowing God as you have never known Him!

So, I ask…

What sign do you have hanging on your spiritual door? Or is the passion of God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the Holy Spirit so entrenched in your soul that you no longer have a door but are open to Him all the time?

I challenge you to grow to know Him so you don’t even want a door between God and you any longer. Trust God on the inside of you so that on the outside of your body, house, car and work… you may have doors with keys to lock up things in the natural, but you naturally pray for God to motivate your spiritual doors to open up to Him.

He protects you. He loves you. He keeps you safe. Don’t slam your door on the Creator of the Universe locking Him out of your life. He is the reason you have a life... with all kinds of possibilities... in the natural and the spiritual. He can open doorways for you that you'd never imagined! But there is one door that has to be fully opened first... the one to your heart!

What if He never knocked again?

Dear Father,

I pray you will remove the hinges to know you, love you, and do your work as I give you the key to my heart and the door to go with it!

May everyone reading this prayer start by placing a welcome mat at their door in the natural and spiritual doors of their lives. May each one become more Christ-like, if they are not already in the place with you they need to be.

In Jesus Christ’s Name,



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