Freedom of religion speaks right to the very core of my heart as all the freedoms we are so privileged to enjoy in this great nation! Our country was founded on “In God, We Trust; Almighty God; Creator of the Universe; and the Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior; and as a joint heir, my Heavenly Father.”
How fortunate we have been for so many years to be abundantly blessed! How close we may be to losing the very freedom we have always known as it appears the U.S. laws of this nation land are quickly changing through with major recontruction and change we as a country can not literally afford to live with.
Just like anything else, freedom can be abused, creating deception; or freedom can exist with respect to do the right thing.
This afternoon I witnessed a Christian, who is a great leader in my humble opinion, take a stand for what is right. She is not running from anything. I believe she is running for God's directives as He is opening new pathways for Sarah Palin to help jolt America into action. I believe God is listening to sincere prayers from citizens who are hurting, begging for leadership from Him. Whether Sarah ever has another working title or not, she is entitled as a joint heir walking with the most precious title a soul could ever have for all eternity. She is a Christian.
She is in the process of giving up a title of political leadership. That doesn't maker her any less in the Father's eyes. Perhaps she will be blessed with a higher title with more responsibility, should she choose to run for public office again. Or if she decides to be a spokesperson endorsing what is right for this country! Whatever her aspirations, as long as she places God first, she will succeed no matter how many oppose her. When God protects His own, no harm will come to you.
Today, as I listened carefully to Sarah Palin's* speech, she aims to go beyond precendented limitations which seem to have confined her abilities to a political office of four walls. Or better said, a box! As I have watched, listened, and read a great deal about Sarah, she makes it clear that she is not content with doing business as usual; the same old ways of doing politics. What I sensed today was Sarah Palin stepping out on faith!
This blog or testimonial space will not be a forum for political insights or opinions, but for viewpoints when I see Christians from all walks of life, walking the walk and not just talking the talk!
Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (like her or not), is a Christian who is boldly speaks her heart, her mind, and constantly speaks of God, prayer, and faith!
Based on the media reports and reading her statement, Sarah Palin will resign from her current position effective July 26, 2009. By not completing her full term as Governor of Alaska, I believe she is stepping out on faith to allow her to return to the freedom she a civilian. That makes perfect sense in choosing to speak on the eve of July 4th. It's about her having the freedom to speak out so this country will hopefully be able to continue to speak out. Whatever course of action she is led, Sarah's mission is to wake up America from the trance which seems to be more of a curse.
As a country, we have allowed our nation to be damaged by "politics as usual." This process started long before the current administration was voted into office. But it’s time to stop it! It’s time someone stepped out on faith and stepped up to speak out on what is ethically and morally going bad with our country.
I support her as I have no doubts she will put her best foot forward, whatever her political aspirations may be or not be. Why? Sarah chooses to place GOD FIRST!
“I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your loving kindness and Your truth from the great congregation.” Psalm 40:10 (NIV)
Can you name anyone else in public office who speaks of God, prayer and blessings?
I sense her decision based on her statements, to be truthful and from her heart. In her closing remarks today Sarah stated, “I gotta put First things first”... “look north to the future. God bless you!”
As she places God first in her decision making, Sarah is allowing God to guide her steps and direction, politically connected or as a spokesperson for what is right and truthful.
“He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart.” Psalm 15:2 (NASB)
Sarah is in a position through God’s immense blessings of spiritual wisdom and knowledge, to help turn our country towards the very foundation in which it was created.
Our nation’s foundation of morals and ethics are diminishing quickly as if we were standing on sand instead of the Rock of Jesus Christ. If America does not return to what is Biblically right diverting from what is severely wrong... we as a nation will continue to be our own worst enemy.
In Sarah's decision to take an unusual direction by complete surprise, she broke the mold of what is politically correct "according" to every one's else rules!
Isn’t that what God asks each of us to do every day in shedding our old ways? To do what He lays on heart even if it's not a "normal" way of doing things?
“…knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin...” Romans 6:6 (NASB)
Sarah does not believe in corruption which is sin. That doesn't mean she is perfect, but she illustrates strong Christian values. She took a stand today for ethical values as she is putting a stop to government wasteful spending. Sarah could not do her job as governor stating that she was spending 80 percent of time on her job not doing what the residents of Alaska voted her to do.
Instead, she accomplished in two years, what was a four year agenda. How is that possible? Sarah Palin said it best... “I put my faith, family and country first!” She has her priorities in the right order!
I believe, Sarah gets blasted and ripped by so many people because it is a spiritual conflict. Many are drawn to her strength, yet many want to drain her to dust. I believe it is because Christ is within her which draws enormous crowds and also draws enormous amounts of heat. She is strong in her beliefs. She is a threat to the “old ways of doing things!” She is refreshing!
She has strategically positioned herself to “think outside the box.”
In thinking outside the box, have you ever thought the “box” could be your coffin? Why continue living like everyone else which may be dead ends in life, instead of new beginnings?
Have you ever thought how God can show each of us in our individual territories, small or large, many alternatives to get things accomplished versus “going along with what’s expected”... or “going along with the crowd,” just because it seemed the thing to do?
Until we, as a nation, decide to educate ourselves and quit listening to what the media is placing in front of us and read the facts, deception will create scales over our eyes versus seeing the truth of God. I know based on my vision before God knocked the scales off my eyes, I saw things my way. I was probably looking through rose colored glasses and didn't want to see or be educated on how life really is once you completely decide to allow Jesus in your heart. No more compromises, only commandments of God are allowed when a Christian prays to see things God's way.
“Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again... Act 9:18 (NIV)
Although I do not condone cursing, Palin said one of her kids voted yes stating “Hell, yeah!” As she asked for their votes of stepping away from the office as governor, or stay in a battle with a relentless badgering which was garnering nothing for those who depend on Alaska, within the state and outside the state.
Sarah Palin was recently in Iraq on a visit. What comes to mind... and this is only my thought… if she were able to communicate or visit with her oldest son, Track, who is currently serving in Iraq for the United States Armed Forces, perhaps those were his words. I’m guessing Track is in a war zone a.k.a “hell zone!”
Track might see more than any of us could fathom. He puts his life on the line, as thousands of other troops do each day, for our freedom! I believe he would support his mother in anything that was right. It appears Sarah's goal is to get the attention of the American people to realize things need to be different than they are in this world. I base this on her outspoken views before and after the current president of the U.S.A.
Think outside the box!
Think outside of the same ol' same ways of doing! Live as God would call you to live; to be free from the enemy’s traps and snares.
“Those who seek my life lay snares for me; And those who seek to injure me have threatened destruction, And they devise treachery all day long.” Psalm 38:12 (NASB)
Sarah did just that today by walking away from traps and snares. She is a hunter. She knows when to avoid battles that are useless and not for the glory of God as a servant to Him or as a public servant!
On a much smaller level, I also followed God. When I stepped out on faith, it was a shock to say the least to many of my friends and family. It went against the grain! The upheaval I faced when I did as God called me to follow His lead, is tremendous but once you obey Him, learn to live as He would call you to live, it is extremely worthwhile! Now, that is REAL CHANGE!
Sarah will come out better for choosing her battles wisely. I believe this to be true because God also blessed me as I continue to seek Him to lead my direction. This blog spot is a direct result of obeying His direction, otherwise my testimony or what I have learned would never be shared.
Sarah did just that today by walking away from traps and snares. She is a hunter. She knows when to avoid battles that are useless and not for the glory of God as a servant to Him or as a public servant!
On a much smaller level, I also followed God. When I stepped out on faith, it was a shock to say the least to many of my friends and family. It went against the grain! The upheaval I faced when I did as God called me to follow His lead, is tremendous but once you obey Him, learn to live as He would call you to live, it is extremely worthwhile! Now, that is REAL CHANGE!
Sarah will come out better for choosing her battles wisely. I believe this to be true because God also blessed me as I continue to seek Him to lead my direction. This blog spot is a direct result of obeying His direction, otherwise my testimony or what I have learned would never be shared.
I believe the Utmost High is listening to His children's prayers as our country appears to be headed south, figuratively speaking. Palin said “...look north to the future...” and she is right. In more ways than some may comprehend, God is working in her life.
I implore you to pray earnestly to the Father to turn our country back over to His ways. One day, we may all wake up with NO freedom, or Independence, or anything else our wonderful country has been so richly blessed from sea to shining sea!
There was a time when the United States of America placed God first! It’s time to get back to the basics of God!
I pray for Sarah Palin and many others who represent our Lord and Savior in whatever work they do for our Almighty God, wherever He leads them!
May God bless America!
May God bless you!
Please pray for God to lead our nation back to Him as our One faithful God!
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*Photograph by The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman/AP