But what about just “service” internally with other coworkers. Or how you interact with your friends? And the biggest challenge some day is your family members?!
Really a person’s outlook is transformed or mirrored by other people’s outlook on life. It can be contagious, whether it’s good or bad.
Let’s say you go to a store, ready to check out at the counter. You’re never greeted but just the opposite occurs! You’re completely ignored while the employee is busy on the phone.
If you were a patient person, you might wait until they were finished not interrupting. If you were in a hurry you might smile… or not smile.. and leave. Or you might hang around just to give them a piece of your “aggravated, tired, I have a life, too” attitude.
Have you ever thought that even though you are the customer your attitude may influence their life that day? Perhaps they are very rude and give you the pointer finger as if to say “hold just a moment; I get to you when I finish this call.”
Maybe you were in a hurry and anxious. Maybe their behavior is way out of line. Either way as customers, don’t we feel we have a certain privilege because… after all… we are spending OUR money towards their business!
Customer service is important but so is “client” service or client representation, or let’s just say it best... “Christ-like” representation. In my opinion, service is a two way street. It’s not any better acting aggravated and huffy instead of being patience or at least nice as long as you are close enough for someone to see the expression on your face or possibly hear your deep breathing not so silent “sigh.”
The employee is way out of line by not putting down the phone, but do you know if they were expecting an important call? Do you know if the other caller was someone who would not allow the employee be free to help those in person or maybe the person on the other line didn’t want to be put on hold? Do you know if their manager gave them instructions to answer the phone and wait on the customers?
The point is, often times we think we know more than we do.
But what are we as customers who are treated “rudely” based on our viewpoint of the situation to do? Is illustrating to others not behaving politely the best choice? As Christians are we not to teaching others by example?
Just because someone else is rude and not doing their job… no matter which side of the counter or desk you are on in the retail and/or business… the “counter attack” should be courteous.
What drives anyone’s attitude?
It’s their will… it’s your will… it’s my will!
It is totally and completely someone’s will to be rude, nice, polite, stuck up, lame, slow, peppy, childish, jovial or distraught!
Any of us can choose to be Christ-like whether we are a minister by profession or a Christian by faith (which we are called to be all ministers for God all the time.)
“If you decide that it's a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you'd rather serve—and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you're now living. As for me and my family, we'll worship God.” Joshua 24:15
Basically, it’s your call or will. It’s your decision to serve God every morning when your feet hit the floor whether you are feeling great or having a “flesh” day. On the flesh days… tell God right then that you are having a bad day! Ask Him to guide you so you can set a better example that day for someone else. I’m sure you have heard this expression which is so true…”You may be the only living Bible someone witnesses.” Everyone, including myself...are so quick... instantly quick… to base everything about someone else on first impressions!
It’s an individual choice. It’s your will or His will.
It makes or breaks you every day how you determine to face the world. Seek God first in your life, always no matter how long your day lasts! I try my best every day and fall short, but I keep trying. When I hit the floor from my restful slumber, I wake up in a prayer state of mind. It has been a training process and an area of discipline for me, but it is wonderful to know I have God actively in my life!
Ask God to help you have a better attitude. Then ask Him, “How may I serve You today?”
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Scripture reference is MSG.