Friday, July 31, 2009

"That's the fork I knew!"

There's a scene in the movie "Pretty Woman" where the character, Vivian (played by Julia Roberts) is sitting at a luxurious Beverly Hills restaurant. As she ponders what's on her plate, she realizes she doesn't know which utensil to use. Vivian politely leans over to her escort, Edward (played by Richard Gere) while in the company of two other gentlemen... and asked what's on her plate in a discreet voice. Edward replies. She was unfamiliar with Escargot much less how to eat it. She expected a salad, something she was familiar with... then replies "That's the fork I knew."

Vivian was confused thinking she knew which fork she was supposed to choose because she was comfortable with that type of fork.

I'm guessing most everyone has seen "Pretty Woman" since its debate was decades ago. Like the movie or not… it has a lot of great lessons if you listen versus just watching the movie.

The plot is based on a prostitute who befriends a billionaire visiting Los Angeles. As they learn more about the other’s way of life, Edward makes a comment later in the movie… “Vivian, you and I are such similar creatures.” He has loads of money and buys things to sell. She has no money and sells herself to buy things.

That is such a true statement. My dad told me "The world is revolves on selling."

Before I chose to completely reject my sinful ways, I was no different than a "Vivian." A sin is a sin…unless it's blasphemy, which is the only unforgiveable sin by God.

I was not a prostitute but maybe I was selling myself in other ways and not realizing it. Maybe I was selling my soul to be the best in my career without realizing the journey I was on as I sought the corporate world. I knew myself to be a Christian but was I align with God’s direction in my life? (I'll give you a hint: NO!)

Before Jesus Christ became the center of my life, it seemed easier. Now that I have been through an enormous amount of self discipline by God's active role in my day to day world through personal devotional time, it's not as easy to fall away from God. But it takes a desire to chose to obey God's way and laws based on the Bible.

The biggest advantage I have garnered is God's teachings for me to look at things differently. When I pray for God to open up my spiritual eyes... knock the scales off my eyes... dismantle my rose-colored worldly glasses... however you can best relate to looking at a new perspective... I now see the person I once was, living completely in my comfort zone! In other words "That was the fork I knew!"

In the movie, Vivian had recently learned which fork was more appropriate to use for a formal dinner as she was just beginning to learn something she knew nothing about. She chose to learn.

As we all learn more about God His teaching becomes contagious and the lessons are for a lifetime.

Giving your all to Him means staying on the straight and narrow path EVERYDAY. One day, week, month or year is not a commitment to God. Every day I get up with a renewed mindset to want to learn more. If you haven't experienced this, then fair warning: Your old self will subconsciously fight you inwardly as you are tempted NOT to do a daily devotional or make prayer time with God. You will have struggles.. we all do. But you will also learn a better way of life through God's perspective which is so much better than the one you think you are living.

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37 (NASB)

As I train myself to think more like Christ in EVERYthing I do and say, I sometimes think about "That's the fork I knew!" I’ve finally reached a point where I am eager to learn and remove myself from the lifestyle I lived as I see my comfort zone is diminishing more each day or each time I recover from a growth period as I enter into God's comfort zone.

It's easy to want to go back to old habits, but have you tried to move past "That's the fork I knew!" or your comfort zone?

I can't tell you how many times it seems the devil whispers in my ears... "Don't you miss "______" ? Fill in the blank for your own habits or anything that you refuse to give up because it's your choice.

If it’s your own determination to do it your way, then you are being stubborn and not even close to obeying God. That was the hardest part for me... admitting my way was not the best way.

Have you ever had one of your own children walk up to you and say "Mom, will you stop smoking because it's bad for you?" Or "Dad, why do you drink beer?"

Have you ever had one of your children go fetch a beer for you because you told them to?

Do you realize how much damage that creates when you are telling your younger generation one thing while you are doing another? That's where the term "generational curse" comes from. When you pass down habits that are not of God, you are cursing your child's future.

"All these curses will come upon you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you." Deuteronomy 28:45 (NIV)

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NIV)

I use these common examples to illustrate that when Jesus Christ is the center of your life, you want... you choose... you desire... to please your Savior. Your body and mind becomes a Temple of the Body of Christ when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. So treat it as if you are borrowing it. Your life is a gift that will keep on giving if you take care of it.

But too often we all keep going back to the fork we knew... OUR own comfort zone. Choose God's comforting zone.

There is a fork... in the road of life... and then there's "That's the fork I knew" way of life.

As always, the choice is each one's to make. So choose to stick a fork in it. It's done when you give it to God and keep giving it to God. Matthew 11:28-30

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