Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Father is into Plaid

Growing up in the 1960s, my dad wore big plaid shorts called “Bermuda Shorts.” Back in the day, these shorts were acceptable fashion.

As hideous as they became, he would continue to wear his LOUD plaid shorts way into the 1980s. At that point in time, they were WAY out of style by society’s fashion standards. However, fashion trends have a tendency to come “back in style,” as did plaid shorts with the same knee length. This go around, they would be known in the fashion world as “madras plaid” with smaller printed plaid lines.

Well, the Heavenly Father is totally into Plaid because He is the first to create the fashionable plaid that is a "happening" look and feel no what year it is, or what's in style according to the world. As a matter of fact, He IS plaid as His presence and blessings cross back and forth from every direction, east to west to north to south, diagonally from every point and angle imaginable to the human existence.

When I first started mentoring my mother, she was trying to comprehend God being everywhere at the same time as He was... working, loving, protecting, healing, watching, doing, creating, sustaining, producing, providing, guiding, teaching, forgiving, blessing… well.... EVERY thing at the same time through the universe and this earth. The first idea that came to mind was mother's loveseat in the sunroom which is... plaid!

Plaids are usually multi-lined visuals used on fabric, desktop screens, printed publications… well just about any assortment of items these days can be seen in most any array of stripes up and down and back and forth as they go from “can to can’t!”

In describing God being everywhere, I also thought about the many threads of colors that weave the very fabric of our lives. Threads of healing. Threads of bonding. Threads of emotions. Threads of friendships or networks of friends that cross our lives. Threads of places, time, and space.

When you really get into the integral threads themselves, you realize how fragile each strand is alone. But when grouped with other threads, the color or the presence of their showing becomes stronger. That is why the Body of Christ is so important for fellowship and worship as we are members of the Body of Christ all over this globe and not by a membership in a certain church.

“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4-5 (NIV)

As many denominations as the earth hosts, so is the manner in which we make up creation as humans who become Christians. Plaid is a reflection of diversity. As our society represents many walks of life, some we agree with… others we may not, regardless what we do and do not like about others, we are required to … not just “be” Christ-like but “act" Christ-like!

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7 (NIV)

God wants to enhance our threads. This can only can this be done through His strength. Alone we are weak, but when we depend completely on God, He is the source of our strength!

“The LORD is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2 (NIV)

Whenever I see plaid, which is my favorite color... I see God working in many ways in many of His children’s lives as paths cross. I am reminded my Heavenly Father is definitely into plaid! He is into threading the Good News!

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Flip Flop Friends

Solomon was given the gift of wisdom as God so blessed Him in writing most of the Book of Proverbs. It is one of several Books in the Bible I never tire of reading and referring to its scriptures. In reading Proverbs, I gain a tremendous amount of wonderful instruction.

The last chapter and verse is Chapter 31:31. In my Life Application Study Bible (NIV), the study notes state:

"The Book of Proverbs begins with the command to fear the Lord (1:7) and ends with the picture of a woman who fulfills this command. Her qualities are mentioned throughout the book: hard work, fear of God, respect for spouse, foresight, encouragement, care of others, concern for the poor, and wisdom in handling money.
These qualities, when couple with fear of God, lead to enjoyment, success, honor, and worth. Proverbs is very practical for our day because it shows us how to become wise, make good decisions, and live according to God's ideal."*

Amazing how God blesses those who seek Him with a pure heart for learning wisdom, to be taught how to do what is right, just, and fair, in becoming a better member of the Body of Christ, a better member of your immediate family, and a better friend to all... especially to God.

Proverbs 17:17 was recently brought to my attention. Maybe because every time I have read this verse in the past, I would get mixed signals because of one word... "adversity."

Let's explore different translations.

Proverbs 17:17 states:

"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (KJV)

"A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity." (NASB)

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (NIV)

"A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity." (AMB)

"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." (NLT)

"Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble." (MSG)

After reading different translations from six different Biblical sources, I finally comprehended "adversity" as help from your family in this verse.

Previously, when I read the word "adversity"... it projected trouble and hardships in my thoughts. But I learned a valuable lesson in taking the time to research a familiar verse I love to refer to.

In the last few posts, I have been sharing the way God is teaching me study one verse and absorb what is being said to me in various ways. Sometimes I don't see more than what the words state. Then I have "wow" moments when I become in awe of God in everything but particularly the Bible!

Proverbs 17:17 teaches me a great deal of wisdom as to what kind of friends I should seek, based on their fruits of the spirit. It reminds me what kind I friend I should be, based on my fruits of the spirit. (See Galatians 5:22-25 below.)

In my Study Bible, the descriptive notes at the bottom of the page for Proverbs 17:17 explains this Scripture far better than I could express:

"What kind of friend are you? There is a vast difference between knowing someone well and being a true friend. The greatest evidence of genuine friendship is loyalty (loving at all times) -- being available to help in times of distress or personal struggles.
Too many people are fair-weather friends. They stick around when the friendship helps them and leave when they're not getting anything out of the relationship. Think of your friends and assess your loyalty to them. Be the kind of true friend the Bible encourages."

So I pose the question.... are you "flip" or "flop" in your friendships?

Flip bends over backwards springing forward or anyway your friend needs you that is ethical and moral.

Flop lets others down. May even define someone using another friend for selfishness or lets the friendship die because they just don’t take the time to stay connected. The friendship may start out as a flip but may flopped because of circumstances beyond your control.

Or maybe that's the "flop drop" way of thinking....BEYOND OUR CONTROL. That's when we all need to give flop friends to God.
Or if you are a flop, flip back to being a better friend! Remember, everything is in God’s control. But you also have to have the desire to work at friendships. It’s often said, friendships are like gardens, you have to work to keep them growing!

Personally, I want to please God first. Previously, I wanted to please my friends, first. No matter how much energy I placed in my friendships, inadvertently... something always flopped. Sometimes that's just how it goes. By allowing God to be in the center of your life, He will teach you to walk in flip(s) flops.

Since I've placed God first in my life, I have flipped in the right direction as God has placed many new friends in my life, reunited others… and also replaced many friends whom I thought with all my heart were my true friends. But they weren’t.

I know I have flopped at friendships as some of my friends have flopped on our friendship. As God leads, I learn to flip forwards instead experiencing a flop backwards into my old ways of trying to be everything for everyone. That is a sure walk down a path of failure for yourself and others.

In reflecting who are my friends… true friends… some I have known since elementary school and remain still close. Others I have met within the ten years and knew instantly we were Christian soul(ED) mates.

I have also been blessed immensely with new friends in the last two years whom I honestly felt like we have known each other ALL of our lives...since the days of first learning to ride a tricycle! Those friends are more like family than some members of family has been at times.

As you wear flip flops this summer, try to remember each step you take might start off as a flip... or even an unexpected flop at some point down life's friendship journey. What matters the most is the direction in which you take your friendships which begins with being the best person possible through the fruits of the spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-25 (NASB)

I encourage you to give everything to the Father. If you flop at being a good friend, pray about it! God will soon have you flipping back on your feet as He will place good "souls/soles" in your life!

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*Life Application Study Bible (NIV) Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. and Zondervan.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Devil at Every Level!

When a believer truly commits themselves to the Lord, He allows a learning process which includes all types of testing of your faith and devotion to Him in the natural and spiritually. In giving yourself to God, you are telling the devil… “Get out of my life…NOW!” But the devil is not going to leave you alone. It’s his job to pick at you, try to tempt you and to make you question your devotion to God in becoming more Christ-like.

Prove the devil wrong!

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)

God tests His Followers to see if it's your will, your way or His will, His way you choose. Testing from the adversary, or the devil, happens. God allows things to occur as He uses the enemy to strengthen your faith in Him. When you think things seem to be going to wrong, usually that's a good sign that something good is about to happen. Or that is the way it has been in my growth with the Father.

My testimony on the subject is based on two specifics from many, many experiences in the beginning of tremendous adversarial times... or should I say... when I prayed for my spiritual eyes to be open to it.

One morning, I awoke with a sharp pain in my right lower quadrant. I thought "possible appendicitis," since I had a fever with chills in the middle of a hot summer in 2006. The pain was horrific and sporadic every 45 minutes. This cycle lasted for hours.

As the pain intensified, I knew I best head to the ER. After being thoroughly checked, the doctor really didn't know what was causing the pain, but perhaps it was a virus.

Later during night, I woke up with a severe rash from head to toe and all around my abdomen. Mother had casually mentioned Shingles earlier that day when I mentioned a tiny little strawberry rash on my right foot. So I went online to investigate. Yep. I definitely had Shingles. The next morning, I called my physician. By the time I had seen my doctor and my doctor had seen me… “The itch” started! I couldn't make my way to pharmacist fast enough to start the meds.

There didn't seem to be any type of relief until the meds started working while I was in agony, literally in tears. The more I itched... the more I scratched. The more I scratched... the more pain I felt from try to scratch an itch. The closest I can explain is when you have a really bad sunburn, but it itches and when you try to scratch it, YIKES!!! It was a “Catch 22.”

It was in pain everywhere clothing touched my skin. Worse than any sunburn from the beach in the older days of using baby oil to "tan" as it sizzled your skin. Prior to this outbreak, the only Shingles I was aware of where the type for housetops. But this Shingles does cover you... from head to toe if it's severe.

My doctor said I missed one pill, I may have another rash to appear after this episode. You can bet, I took my pills like clockwork. There didn’t seem to be much relief in sight except for the hope that the medication would make me well. I did take an over the counter medication which made me sleepy. The only other comfort was cool showers. I took three or four a day! Anything to find comfort.

At one point while showering I was so unbelievably miserable, I got down on my knees, praying and crying to the Father for relief. I had been praying… but I prayed like I'd never prayed before!

About the same time I was praying, mother received a phone call from one our family friends who knew I had been dealing with Shingles for several days. She had been watching a religious program. The host was praying for different people’s ailments, afflictions and illnesses. What caught her attention was a special prayer for someone who had Shingles and was praying for relief. The host continued to say that the person who was praying for a healing would be healed by Jesus.

Since I was in the shower, I didn't know about the prayer mentioned on the TV. After my shower of pleading and praying God for relief, the rashes were gone. I felt immediate relief! It was a miracle!

Call it whatever you may or may not believe… but I call it being healed by Jesus Christ! I believe in the power of prayer... and I believe it was me who God was blessing.

“For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.” Psalm 22:24 (NIV)

I thanked God for the quickness for His answered prayer as the Shingles vamoosed! Later, I thought “If God was testing my endurance; I believe I made passed, but it was tough lesson.”

It was through that experience, I learned to appreciate Job as I learned more about His suffering, pain and how He endured. It was a summer I won’t forget! During that summer, I had many different types pain inflicted.

I had just been educated about the Holy Spirit a few months prior to all these occurences. I was also reading a lot about spiritual warfare. My mentor told me it was probably too soon to read one book that I could seem to put down. I needed to build a firm foundation in my faith by reading God’s Word.

I wished I had listened instead of allowing myself to be more drawn into the book. Finally, I carried the book and placed it on a top shelf in my garage storage room. I left it there for weeks.

One afternoon, I headed into the storage room. I completely forgot about the book. When I reached for a box on the top shelf, I don’t remember touching anything. Then out of nowhere, a heavy roll of unprinted news paper (used for packing) probably weighing about 30 lbs, came tumbling down and landed on my left big toe. "OUCH!!!!!!" was an understatement for the pain I felt immediately! It hurt so badly, I couldn’t cry. I thought I was going to pass out before I could get back to the house. As a matter of fact, I crawled! I could not put any weight on my foot without screaming. I was just getting past my second round of Shingles, now then the paper weight was a heavy load to bare.

Before the summer was over, I had three cases of Shingles! Yet, I never missed a pill.., not once.

Did I really want to grow spiritually and be a warrior for God? YES! There was no turning back.

My toe was severely bruised but was not broken and I didn't lose my toenail to my surprise. However, I wore sandals for months past the summer. I am grateful my toe was cracked into pieces! Praise the Lord! He is the only reason it didn’t break. As soon as the pain came, I immediately began to pray. As a matter of fact, I never did have any major physcial setbacks, just a lot of minor hindrances which made me think more about God’s ways as Job was an example of loyalty to God through much more suffering than I had lived to tell about.

When learning God’s Word, there is a great deal more to living in this world than what appears to the naked eye. Christians have two choices in seeking to mature and grow closer to God:

1.) Keep going forward with God


2.) Shrink back from God.

I have learned there is a devil at every level of growth. A dear and deeply devoted Christian sister that I cherish named Dana, shared that phrase with me when her minister used it for a message. And it’s true!

Many things came about my first summer when God was just starting to remold me inside out. Sometimes I cannot begin to explain but experienced. I never had so much go wrong in such a short time BUT I was outright devoted to God for the first time in my life. I had NO desires to procedure on a wrong path away from God. with wrongful temptation!

“And that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:26 (NIV)

The more I learn from God and about God, the sweeter His Spirit grows on my journey with Him.

Mother once said that I reminded her of Job in the summer of 2006 due to so many things happening to me. What a compliment! It meant God was beginning to prepare me and test me as He disciplined my ways. I love God with all my heart! He is the center of my life. But I am human. I make mistakes. But I am willing to learn from my mistakes.... something I was not prepared to do before 2006. I was just going through the motions.

In the Bible, it speaks of Job's life in great detail. He had everything taken away from him, even had bodily harm come upon Him. But Job stayed devoted to God, if when Job questioned God, he continued to devote himself to God as his only God. Once God used Job as a prime example of endurance for all of us to learn from Job's challenges and success... he was blessed abundantly after his testing period! He is definitely the one who experienced “a devil at every level!”

“But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.” Job 36:15 (NIV)

This summer of 2009 marks three years I have devoted myself to knowing God like I never thought possible. Once I commited my heart to God and cleaned my life up, I learned that God's love in getting to know Him is contagious.

I have NO regrets for stepping out on faith for God. Have I questioned my devotion to Him or the call I feel He placed on my life? YES, many times! But only recently have I come to a place of no longer doubting what I am to do for God in my career or for work for His glory. With that comes a huge relief of self drudergy I was placing on me. I was self inflicing my self to kept from being healed bby not giving it all to the Father for a complete healing, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Do you know Him…really know Him? He’s the best friend I'll ever had in my life. He continues to test my faith and our personal friendship to see if I am willing to go the distance.... the distance is all the way through heaven’s narrow gate!

To go the distance, there is a proverbial mountain of levels. At every level the devil is waiting... trying to keep tempt you to back down away from God.

“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” Psalm 119:50 (NIV)

I encourage you to keep going forward... GO THE DISTANCE!

Learn the Words of God in your Bible for protection against the enemy. Keep in mind when you feel you are caving in to temptation, God is only a prayer away.

Our Heavenly Holy Father will “level” everything out in your life as you learn to balance and ascend to the next level as you become closer to God.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cotton Field Picked Me

When I first returned home, I would often take long walks as I strolled to parts of our small country farm. One night, the stars were out in full force with clear skies and not one cloud attempting to obscure the brilliance of God’s eyeball view as I gleamed at the beauty of His universe. It was a warm night and for some reason, I remember being restless. The cotton was just planted in the field beside the house with a little height on the newly sprung plants that would one day become stalks!

For some reason, I felt as if I were in the movie “Field of Dreams,” except there were no visions or anyone saying a repeated chant. Instead, I believe it was an innate calling from the Father to walk in this field for some reason.

Just about every time I would feel discouraged, I had a tendency to take a walk to have a silent little talk with Jesus in my thoughts. And just about every time, I would find myself in the same cotton field in just about the same place which was the middle of the field. I started referring to it as my “Field of Real.” It is my personal sanctuary.

A sanctuary is a refuge, a safe place, or a holy place. I use to automatically think of a church building, but then I learned to seek God in other places… just about anywhere in addition to a church service or place of worship.

Do you have a sanctuary… a place where you feel the Spirit of God moving you or teaching you as you read the Bible or anything motivation to learn more about Him? Or perhaps a place for just God and you to talk that is away from others?

In my “Field of Real,” which has an amazing peaceful serenity everything I walk to the middle, no matter how low or how high the cotton grows… or how low or how high my spirits become.. I always feel better! Even when the cotton has already been harvested, this cotton field has become a wonderful sanctuary. I dare say, no one else would probably get the same quiet, peaceful essence which seems to calm my spirit and soul as a gentle breeze makes me fully aware, God is with me.

I have felt His presence in other places, too. As I have also felt His lack of presence at other times in other places where it doesn’t seem the Father is honored or respected. Of course, He is there. It just doesn’t seem as obvious to me.

"This also will be my salvation, for a godless man may not come before His presence.” Job 13:16 (NASB)

Another astonishing happening as I walk out into my sanctuary as it never fails; one or all of our outside animals will come and join me. I find it delightfully rare since we are talking cats and dogs that don’t always get along with one another when they are closer the house. But in this cotton field, there is a peacefulness all around as the pets will take a place near me and lie down or sit. It amazes me how God works through the simplest of ways to see if we are noticing the little details in life.

Mostly I spend time in the field praying to the Father reverently talking out loud. There is no one else anywhere around, except the pets. It’s really like a prayer closet with invisible walls. I always feel better when I spend time in the field. It releases me, as I know God is hearing my prayers which I so grateful.

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:10 (NIV)

According to this Scripture, I am not the only one who feels better when I release my sins by repenting. I have great support from the heavenly!

As I try more each day to live as I should for the Father, HIS will… HIS way! It is NOT an easy process to say the least. But I am such a better person now than I was before but it is all do to the fact that I am allowing God to pick me clean, just like the cotton so it can be used for other purposes.

My prayer continues to be, for God to use me in His fabric of ministry in some small way as His Word spins around our "rapidly getting smaller” world in which we live.

Now, wasn’t that a good cotton pickin’ devotional?

Grinnin' and pickin' up lessons as the Lord teaches as I am out-standing in my field!

“Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said ‘Amen’ and ‘Praise the LORD.’” 1 Chronicles 16:36 (NIV)

Amen and Praise the LORD!!!
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Bush-Hawgin' Overgrown Territory

There’s a great deal of emphasis placed on forgiveness in the Bible, more than I would have ever imagined especially after studying the New Testament in depth.

Look’s take a look at the simple definitions of what it is and what it is NOT of forgiveness.

"What is forgiveness?"

1.) Act of pardoning somebody for a mistake or wrongdoing*
2.) The tendency to forgive offenses readily and easily

It is giving pardon, clemency, mercy, amnesty, exoneration.

"What is not forgiving?"

1.) To consider somebody to be responsible for something wrong or unfortunate that has happened
2.) To find fault with someone

It is guilt, blame, charging, accusing, pointing the finger or holding accountable, criticize, reprimand, think badly of, condemn.

"So how do I forgive...if I must!?!"

You must. It is a direct order from God!

Colossians 3:13 states… “Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever had a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.”

God commands we are to forgive one another. And did you notice, He did not stutter!

When your heart is hardened due to someone’s words or actions that hurt you, caused you to feel bad… or maybe it happened to someone you love... WHATEVER caused the friction, we are to forgive!

When Jesus was speaking to thousands during His Sermon on the Mount, one of the many ways He taught mankind to seek a better life with the Heavenly Father was the Lord’s Prayer as it is written in Matthew 6:9-13.

Every sentence in the Lord’s Prayer is a wonderful example of how to pray to our Father. There were very few verses, but notice forgiveness was specifically instructed.

”And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:12

To grow in God’s ways, we must forgive others, and accept forgiveness from others… but also forgive ourselves!

"What's the first step?"

First, I had to earnestly decide in my heart to sincerely ask God for forgiveness of my sins. Then I asked the Lord to forgive me for hurting others. The next step was sharing with the Father I forgave others who hurt me.

But the hardest lesson for me was learning to forgive myself for so many failures and mistakes I had made in my life and failures I continue to make, even when I try not to. We're human. We will fail even in the smallest ways even when we put our best foot forward.

"That a tough commandment... I'm not so sure I can do this."

You can't do it alone. Pray to Jesus to place His courage, strength and guidance within your spirit. You will feel the Holy Spirit nudge you to contact someone, or write a note, or just ask God to forgive you. Whatever comes to mind, I encourage you to be obedient to Him. Don’t allow pride to separate you from receiving God’s blessings to the fullest in this life time. Don’t allow not forgiving to separate you from God in any way.

Jesus said, "But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” Matthew 6:15

It does not get any clearer than this commandment. It is not a maybe commandment. It is what we are instructed to do!

As I have learned to forgive, even those I had a very hard time forgiving, I discovered a tremendous amount of peace which replaced an unsettling in my spirit and soul. All I did was pray and give my concerns, ALL of them as they came to mind, to God.

I will use the following verses many times as I share because I depend on them greatly. Again, I encourage you to learn by placing these words in your heart as spiritual seeds to help you grown in your next level of faith.

Matthew 11:28-30… “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and earn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Here is another perspective I gained. “My burden is light.”

When I first learned this verse, I understood "light” to mean the opposite of “heavy,” as in picking up a suitcase. However, during was the middle of teaching a Bible Study class last summer, I read this Scripture and suddenly the word “light” revealed a completely different meaning… as in “light” from the sun or a lamp unto our feet, which is what God's Word is for us. That one word gave me tremendous insight.

My journey started with forgiveness. There was no way around it! And it continues to be an instrumental part of my walk, every day…sometimes many times a day.

Until we ask God to forgive us, especially when we choose not to forgive another… no matter what they did to you or against you… that just gives satan the upper hand in your life... your attitude.... being a witness for Christ. Then God sometimes seems far from you during times like these because He will test you... me... and others! He commands forgiveness. I take it seriously. Do you?

"What if I can't forgive?"

If you can’t find forgiveness in your heart, then share it with God in prayer. Tell Him you can’t seem to forgive someone or accept forgiveness. He will work with you and you will see how incredible God works things out. I am a living example of this prayer! He will walk you through forgiveness when you don't see any way possible for it to happen.

"What if I ask forgiveness but the other person won't forgive me or it doesn't seem they are going to forgive me?"

That issue is between the other person and God. Many times, you may discover when you ask forgiveness, the other person may not seek forgiveness from you! It's as if they did nothing wrong. Their attitude seems to be "So why do I need to ask you to forgive me?" That is between the other person and God!

“If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." John 20:23

Remember to keep your commandment with God. Each relationship with our Father in Heaven is a very personal and intimate "one on one" relationship. Keep your relationship with God at its best!

Mow down those wild weeds of unforgiving!

Forgiveness is like Bush-Hawgin' an over grown pasture. You have keep mowing down the tall grass, wild weeds and vines that have a tendency to take over your beautiful interior landscape. Once you do this on a regular basis, your pathway with God will have a much better view of yourself and those around you.

Crank up your tractor of Faith and plow into the Word of God to seek forgiveness! He has provided us with the tools and equipment, believers just need to learn to use them... and frequently!

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*Reference: Encarta Dictionary
All Scripture References are NASB.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Divine Sensibility

As you see the structure of my physical being
There are many levels worth revealing
The first you see is my body appearing whole
The next level of depth is called my soul
Influenced by my will which is my mind
Hosting many thoughts of every kind

Intertwined of mind and soul belongs my heart
Encasing emotions from goodness to dark
Within my being, the Holy Spirit does guides
My deep seeded faith as He walks by my side
As I discern my way, sensing to learn what’s real
From the enemy's deception, lies and worldly deals
The Holy Spirit restores my strength from tribulation
As I'm saved by Jesus Christ whom I praise in celebration

I choose my will to be One with Him in spirit, soul, and body
Understanding the meaning of it all, as a divine prodigy
Each can choose their free will to trust or go astray
It’s one’s decision is to seek God’s will or walk away
For His power protects me through night and day,
Humbly bowing before the Almighty Father as I pray
No other Master do I choose to serve, for great is He
My devotion and love is only for the Blessed Trinity

Christa Carmell Davis
Inspired June 8, 2006
1:30 p.m.

In the summer of 2006, I'd just began learning an incredible amount about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit working in One as the Trinity. It was truly exciting and overwhelming for me, with an immediate passion for Jesus Christ's sacrifice for each of us. It brought tears, while I was floating with an exhilaration of joy! The real essence was the unfathomable love for which I have never felt, much less able to truly comprehend. The closest was when I asked Jesus Christ into my heart when I was nine years old.

On a summer day in 2006, I was working on a web site as free lance contractor. It was time for a break. It was a huge project requiring many work hours.

Just as I was about to get up as I felt velcroed to my desk chair, an advertisement about a poetry contest seemed to catch my eye as if there were neon lights flashing with a sign blaring..."Click Here!" It was sponsored by the International Society of Poets, inviting anyone to enter. The poem requirements included no more than 40 words per line and no more than 25 lines per poem.

I thought "I've written all kinds of poetry all of my life, this will be fun!" I remember praying before I began to place my thoughts on paper.Before I knew it, "Divine Sensibility" was written in 45 minutes! That is how God works when we ask Him to take the lead.

Out of 2,500 submissions, "Divine Sensibility" was indeed blessed by the Father as one of the top ten finalists! What an honor! But again, it all's about how God can and does anything when we allow Him to work through us. I am not sharing this incredible work from Him to brag on me. I give God all the glory!

"Divine Sensibility" was read at the convention in Las Vegas that summer in front of 5,000 in attendance. I choose not to go since funds were tight, but it didn't matter if I had been there to possibly win the top prize (you had to be present and read your poem to the audience to be a candidate for the first place award of $25,000). My reward was knowing God's words would be read by someone who was scheduled to read in my place to 5,000 people from all walks of life from all over the world!

I don't believe in coincidences. I so believe there was at least one person God was trying to reach through His poem at the convention. I was just honored to write for Him, to be His vessel. Nothing pleases me more.

Even though I did not make the trip to read the poem for a chance to win the $25,000 cash prize, I was called within two weeks for an interview. Within two more weeks, I was offered a position with Southern Company as a nuclear communications specialist.

That was a huge prize for me as it was a direct blessing from the Father. At the time as I was seeking a steady income preferably in corporate communications with an international organization.

Later, that would be the position I would give up when I knew God was calling me to "Follow Him," as I was obedient, stepping out on faith. He knew my heart's desires and blessed me with the job as I learned a great deal. Then He was ready for me to use the God-given gifts He placed in me 23 years ago to work for Him in communications.

There have been times I have questioned my decision when the enemy tempts me to re-enter the workforce, make a really good salary and have a steady financial security. But my life consists of just me, with no other family obligations that would tie me down or make me panic when I never know where my next pay check will come from. BUT IT DOES! God is so faithful as He is teaching me to be trusting, keep the faith and keep believing as I learn to have patience and work when freelance opportunities come my way.

Start your day by asking God "How may I serve you this day?"

II Timothy 1:7, “For God does not give you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind.”

Don't be afraid. If you have fear, it's just satan trying to convince you not to seek God due to a busy work day already planned or other things to do. The beauty is... God will bring others to you in your busy work day already planned or other things to do... if you ask Him to be included your day.

God knows your heart. He knows what you are capable of doing when it comes to witnessing. Allow Him to guide you through the Holy Spirit. If God brings you to it; He WILL bring you through it! Not sure who said that, but it's so very true!

Lesson Learned:
When I do unselfish acts for God's work, He blesses my socks off!

May we all be sockless!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who believes in Him, shall not perish but have an eternal life.” John 3:16 (NASB)

Sometimes it’s good to look from a different perspective.

When I read the Bible, there are some Scriptures I read as they are written. After I study it more, sometimes I can see alternatives with some words which give me a completely different outlook.

"For God 'sew' loved the world...,"

When God "made" the world with an incredible amount of unconditional love beyond our comprehension, it's hard to fathom that type of love, because He does each of so much. However, we would never know of His wonderful unconditional love if there was no hurt. Jesus went through what no other human could ever be able to withstand before, during, and after the crucifixion. He knew it was going to be horrid... beyond any pain we could bare. Yet, He did it. Literally, the entire world was on His shoulders.

People, believers and nonbelievers, endure different measures of hurt and suffering unexpectedly in life at one time or another. Whether something happens to the person themselves… a loved one… an acquaintance… stranger, no one would ever know of the hope Jesus gives us without adversarial times.

You or I would not understand or be able to depend on God's strength He gives us if we did not experience the weaknesses which prevail in the oddest and most unusual ways.

When we learn to depend fully on God through our will in the choices we make, only then can God can teach us to depend on Him for all things.

Jesus being God’s Son, was a man with the Spirit of God guiding Him while on earth. When Jesus spoke His last words on the cross, it is written, “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed his head and gave up His Spirit.” John 19:30 (NIV)

At that moment when Jesus bowed His head before the Father, I believe it a profound illustration of humility. Then Jesus gave up His Spirit.

Christians accept, love and believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah as the truth is written in the infallible Word of God. Most all Christians at some time or another, have witnessed the miracles of God as we know only He could do. For me, there is no question or doubt.

It is by our faith; we are believers giving our lives to Christ-like every day. That's not easy even when we know that's what we're supposed to do.

It wasn’t easy for Jesus to know the journey He would have to travel before going home to be with His Father. Hours before He was to be arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asked “saying, ‘Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.’” Luke 22:42 (NASB)

Until I learned more about the Word of God, I had never realized Jesus was asking His Father to take away the mission that was within hours of happening, when He said “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me.”

For less than a split second, Jesus asked if He could be spared as I am sure He dreaded what was about to take place. Realizing as quickly as He asked, God’s Spirit would give Him an immediate knowing as Jesus knew this was the reason He was born, to suffer, be crucified, and die.........but GLORY, GLORY...HE was resurrected from the dead! He arose! Praise GOD!

Jesus knew what "dread" was all about. It's hard for anyone to give everything over to God. In doing so, the end result is far greater with blessings than the process!

If those words had not been written in the Bible, we would not have seen a split second of Jesus’ weakness as he did totally and completely depend on His Father.

Our life experiences are fair less than what Jesus suffered. But it a good example of Scripture to teach each of us to depend on God for everything in our weaknesses. It is then we learn from His strength.

Adjusting to life's ultimate unknowns or unforeseen circumstances is complex at best for anyone in a host of life's unspeakable situations. But I believe each of those situations have a thread of commonality which abounds. The thread of love, faith, and hope which in time transforms the hurts, fears, anger… many feelings in our heart and soul.

That’s when I go back to “God sew loved the world….” reading the Scripture with a different meaning as the earth was made by the Hand of God. He created us. He gave up His Only Son.

Why are we so hesitant to depend on our Heavenly Father when He loved us first? It’s should be “sew” easy…. like a needle pulling thread. We should pattern ourselves after Jesus in becoming Christ-like, threading love, hope and faith within our spiritual and material worlds.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mouse Trap

Computer time. It seems everyone has a computer or access to a computer. It's a preferred way to obtain and receive information quickly. There are probably as many internet sites as there are people in the United States!

When I log on to my internet service, immediately my eyes start transferring all the data my mind can absorb. Not so much because it’s what I might want to read but it’s all projected in multiple formats through words, pictures, and graphics which attract your eye to places you otherwise might not see. It’s absolutely incredible how far technology has progressed in this day and for ALL ages.

If I don’t stay focused on the very reason… sometimes, I don’t have a reason… but if I don’t stay focused, really focused – I can be caught for hours in the world’s largest mouse trap!

Years ago, I was a BIG movie buff. When I see a story about a famous actor from the days when I spent hours into movies; it gets my attention. It’s amazing how enticing the headlines can be, especially the pictures which can lead me down a path of sin without realizing it. “WHAT?...you say. “Do you go to THOSE web sites?” No… not the ones known to be blatantly wrong.

The sites I am referring to lead me to professional “gossip” web sites. Often, before I realize it, I'm being redirected away from my original site. These stories appear to be true. But when I search for accurate facts in the articles, it’s really an opinion, not the facts.

Confession time: I am the worst to scroll down to see what everyone else has to say. AWK! Another trap! I often refer to some of the blog sites as “clog” sites. They just clog up your mind with nothing good. It’s more junk than good views or facts. For example, our arteries get clogged with the food we ingest that doesn’t digest well. The same goes for information we allow to enter our minds. Clog or Blog? That’s a decision I have to make every time I use the internet.

“Preprayer Yourself” is a site based on my viewpoints and experience but also I provide Scriptures a.k.a. truth. I can not vouch for all sites or stories of great interest to provide me with the truth.

The truth, as hard as it is to talk and walk every moment of my life, is what sets apart fiction from reality.

We make choices all the time. Everything we choose to wear to the way we dress, what we drive, what we eat… where we eat… how we eat… when we eat… if we eat… it’s endless!

Life each day – as most of us are blessed to wake up breathing and able to do for ourselves – feel as if that day is endless until we retire for rest.

Endless is the amount of time I often find which I spend on the computer in the proverbial mouse trap. Some days, the “site-seeing” can be fun. Other days I feel as if I just allowed the enemy to splatter nasty dark stains on what started out as a fresh clean mind set.

Each day, I usually always start with a prayer before my feet hit the floor. Renewing my mind to be One with the Father, the Triune, is the most important prayer of the day for me. It’s like breakfast for my Spirit and Soul as food is for our bodies.

“But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to Him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus.

Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it!

And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces His character in you.” Ephesians 4:22-24 (MSG)

My determination to stay focused on what is, and what is NOT important in the infinity of the internet is one area of weakness I work to improve.

Proud men have hidden a snare for me; they have spread out the cords of their net and have set traps for me along my path. Selah. Psalm 140:5 (NIV)

So, the learning lesson for me: Every time I use a computer, I'm going to pray to stay focused on my goal, the very reason I went to the “inner-net” of “web sights” that can enhance a plug in trance, absorbing the “cheesy” information which is the enemy’s (mouse) trap.

Our days may appear endless, but each of us need to ensure our destination is Eternity. So, beware of mouse traps! One click could be a nasty spiritual entrapment. Cheese wisely.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Super Beetle: Super God!

In 1978, I commuted my first year to college. The drive was about 45 minutes from our driveway to the parking lot. Not knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up, I definitely knew where I wanted to go to college… Auburn University!

At that point in life, times were difficult for my family as we suffered financial losses, but we still had so much to be thankful for.

But needless to say, my desire to attend college seemed hopeless under the circumstances… much less Auburn. However, by the grace of God, it was possible for me to attend a local “junior college” after graduating from high school.

One particular beautiful fall morning as I was headed to my classes for the day, I can recall exactly where I was on a two lane highway while driving my 1972 orange VW. At that moment, my Super Beetle would become my prayer chapel.

I turned off my eight track music… (that was high tech for our generation) and began praying out loud to God.

I didn’t ask for Him to make a way for me to go to Auburn. I didn’t ask for God to give us any financial help. Instead my prayer was “Dear God, please don’t let me lose myself before it’s too late.”

God heard my prayer, as He has answered it repeatedly pulling me closer to Him. I use to have a tendency to get off His path for my will versus His, but I don’t sense I will stray again as my passion and knowledge base is deeply embedded with Biblical truth.

Every day, I could reflect on the financial losses my family experienced when I was teenager. It was definitely a factor in not being able to attend Auburn, but there were many other repercussions I experienced as did my entire family.

Two years ago, I came to a fork in my life's path where I choose to take the route going away from traveling towrds any further deep seeded bitterness or resentment. It was the road back to God's path.

Things happen. Often times, no matter how severe the circumstances… what reflects our godly character is how we handle the loss or change.

As I now seek to be closer in knowing God, I ask Him to reveal the things I need to remember doing or saying that were out of line. Then I ask His forgiveness as I pray for blessings upon others who hurt me or I have hurt. God did... and does bring things to mind as I continue to ask for things to be brought to my attention so I can be a clean vessel for His work.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18 (NIV)

No matter what my financial circumstances become in this world, today or in the future, I learned through a rude awakening to count my blessings versus counting my money. Focus on the Almighty God versus the almighty dollar. God will provide of our needs, financially or otherwise when we choose to give Him control.

The goal is not to allow yourself to get caught up in this world's value of the things you have, but rather the value of how much you mean to God and He means to you.

The rest of what happens as life transpires, whether it’s wonderful, downright humbling, or devastating… are experiences on a pathway God provides so can learn to lean on Him for direction. Everyone at some point will venture off on a winding side road, which takes us off the straight path to the narrow gate of Heaven. Isn't that the ultimate destination? Heaven?

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 (NASB)

Did you read that last part…”there are FEW who find it.”

Since my prayer in 1978, I have veered off God's path as every Christian experiences self directed ways. Unfortunately, that’s the sinful nature in which we all are challenged when making life choices.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Romans 3:23 (NASB)

With all my heart, mind and spirit, I sincerely thank my Father in Heaven for hearing my prayer that day... and every day. He not only answered my vivid reminder of a sincere prayer in 1978, but God blessed my family and me immensely throughout our lives in many ways.

If our family had not experienced a financial setback, or I had not experienced any hurt… I would never have been able to comprehend the unconditional love of God.

His education is far more important than a degree, although He did make it possible for me to graduate with a Bachelors of Science from an excellent accredited four year college, Jacksonville State University.

And now, I have my Master’s… teachings. But I believe my real education began with an earnest prayer while in an orange Super Beetle as the driving force was my Super God.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Daddy-O" Day is Everyday! Praise the Father!

Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with
every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3 (NIV)
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Not Seeing is Believing

Often times, I think it is extremely difficult for others (believers and non-believers) to understand or comprehend NOT being able to see God in human form. I’m not able to see the wind, but I see the motion created by its movement. I am not able to see God, but I see His miracles all around.

I can’t see the automatic transfers for my direct deposits in my bank accounts, but I trust it happens. What’s my proof? A paper trail of check stubs and bank statements. When we trust our bank transactions are made… we never actually see any money unless we make a withdrawal. We believe the funds are deposited so bills can be paid and living expenses are met for purpose or pleasure.

The same analogy can be applied in trying to understand more about our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as Spirits of God… the Triune. He is everywhere throughout the universe at once, which is Omnipresent. He is right with you right now. Have you spoke with Him today? Did you wake up saying “Good morning, My Father?” If you can’t see Him or notice He is all around you in the simplest to mightiest things that occur in your life, maybe you forget to start your day asking God to be in control. Make Him an active part of your thinking. Include Him in your decision making.

Maybe as a Christian, your faith in God is true but not as strong as you would like it to be. That’s why I believe God provided a paper trail with accurate records known as the Bible. It tells everything God wanted us as His creation to know.

The Bible is incredible with a tremendous amount of information and numerous “cross” references. It was created and inspired by God as His Spirit led others to write about everything from the way the earth was made to Christ’s return! God wanted us to understand throughout history, the many transactions which led to Jesus Christ’s life on earth as told by prophets in the Old Testament and how He fulfilled the Scriptures in the New Testament.

So Not seeing is believing in a Savior who did exist and walked on this earth. The Bible states the facts which is all I need to believe. It’s just that simple. Yet, we as humans try to make things more complicated than I believe God intended.

Trust is required in Not see but believing. Trust involves faith. Faith is what it takes to create a trust whether it’s with your bank or in your acceptance of Jesus Christ who died for the atonement of our sins.

Keep your faith strong no matter what trials or tribulations come up against your life. Keep believing and thank God in everything. “In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB)

During these unpredictable times, you can “bank” on Jesus Christ when others may fail you. He has already “paid your account in full" in this lifetime for all eternity! Praise God!

Believe in Him… not just once when you were saved, but every day when life seems its hardest… when life didn’t turn out like you thought it would be… when the bills are due and there aren’t any funds or limited funds in the bank to financially survive… when times seem downright depressing… that’s when I encourage you to trust Jesus completely, placing Him in the center of your life.

Pray for Jesus to rescue you as you lift your burdens to Him. I encourage you to read and learn Matthew 11:28-30 for Scriptures to help get each of us get through our moments of despair. Don’t just ask for Him to come in your life once… but every day. Perhaps you need to repeat this Scripture several times a day as you seek comfort, reassurance, protection, and forgiveness. Seek Him when you learn others may not be trustworthy; but you can trust and share what’s on your heart with Jesus. Not seeing is believing… it is called having complete faith!

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy…” I Peter1:8 (NASB)
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Friday, June 19, 2009

The Winds of Humility and Humidity

After being employed in my hometown area for 15 years, I believed it was time to move on to “greener” ($igns) pastures. I “assumed” God was all over my great career opportunity.

God has always blessed me immensely in my professional career. I believed being selected as the director of marketing for one of the State of Florida’s largest programs was a huge blessing from the Father! But what I have come to understand is that God allows each of us to see how far we think we can make it on our own. Sometimes what seems like a blessing can actually be a temptation, not turning out as wonderful as we might have anticipated.

God was not in my decision making process when I said “Yes.” I realized what a huge mistake I made… after the fact. But that’s how lessons are learned, right? Well, humility was the lesson I learned moving six hours to Florida from Georgia. Big, expensive lesson I deemed on myself… which I call a “consequence.”

On the Friday morning before Katrina was to hit land the next day, I turned in my resignation letter to my surprise since I been there less than a year. What I had experienced was spiritual conflict in my work place. It was not pleasant. I was uneducated how to defend myself. I believe it was God’s way of teaching me adversity, whatever it cost … my job, my income, my career growth, etc. It was a great reminder for me that God is in full control… especially when I kept walking away from His call on my life.

Although I was not near Katrina’s devastation, it was a close call for a few hours since the meteorologists had no idea which Gulf shore would be hit with a category 5+ at 200 miles per hour. Even though there was only minor wind damage in Tallahassee, the town changed overnight by the overflow of people flocking inward for safety.

I saw countless people who had become homeless within hours as they lived out of their expensive name brand cars, and luxurious motor homes which more than likely used primarily for vacations.

Of all times, I was headed inland, too. I knew leaving Florida was the only decision as I prayerfully included the Father this time. He literally provided a way home for me. I was able to rent the last U-Haul large enough to carry my belongings. Gas was rationed to 10 gallons. The U-Haul tank was 50 gallons. The mark on the gas gauge was near “E” as I could relate!

As I sat in a long gas line, waiting to get my allowable 10 gallons of gas at nearly $3.00 a gallon, I asked if I could purchase more. Of course, the answer was “No.” Then I proceeded to my neighborhood gas/food mart where I bought breakfast every day before work. I thanked God as the store clerk remembered me and said, “Go ahead and fill her up.”

My landlord not only graciously let me out of my lease, but he and his friends helped me load and returned my deposit in full. God was definitely working with me as I began drawing nearer to Him. God was patiently waiting for me to choose His will for my life as He had already begun trying to prepare me to turn to Him completely! I sensed it. Instead, I had chosen my will.

In 1989, I was less than three minutes from being in the path of the tornado which ripped through southeast Huntsville. Where I lived and worked was devastated. God had protected my path as I was headed to the grocery store when a coworker came out to get me from my car. For a brief moment, I debated whether to go back in the office or head to Airport Road…the direct path of the tornado which killed 11 people. But my gut feeling (understanding now it was the Holy Spirit) led me to safety.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NASB)

Years later I would I found myself reflecting back on both devastating storms that seemed to gently pass me by. I’m sure many people have been in horrific storms and lived to tell about it. But both storms were just close enough for me to reach out to the Father seeking His safety.

What were the lessons learned? Many!

My humidity was greater than my humility to serve God and do His will. Our inner humidity, creating temperatures or tension to rise or tempers to flare, might be greater than humbling ourselves to the Father. It’s no wonder personal storms rage within us when we are not humbling ourselves before God, the creator of all storms within and around our lives!

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10 (NIV)

I never realized how many times I wasn’t just near a storm; my life was a continuous state of storms with… chaos; selfishness; an unforgiving spirit: neglectful to thank God and praise God; read His Word and understand more about growing as His servant … a vow every believer takes when they say “I want Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.”

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2 (NIV)

I thank God for His protection as I finally did completely surrender to His will. It is an on-going process. He has taught me how to lower my inner humidity to all time low as I have learned to humbly bow before My God no matter what storms prevail within.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Picture Perfect

In the fall of 2007, while traveling through Kentucky I saw this beautiful quaint church. Immediately, I pulled over to take a picture. It's one of the things I enjoy no matter where I go. Just a shutterbug at heart!

Since I was about ten years old, photography has been more of a passion than a hobby. I truly enjoy seeing God's creation of beauty in some of the most amazing places.

When I grab my camera anticipating a great photo, I first check it out through the viewfinder, then I check the lighting. I can usually size up the photo pretty quick and know if its going to be an exceptional picture or just a photo.

Sometimes a church, the Body of Christ, can be similar in the same manner of taking a picture. It looks good from the viewfinder on the outside but really, it’s the inside ... the believers... who make the church. It's never been about brick and mortar or solid wood; even though there are some really beautiful buildings where we go to worship.

Sometimes, churches are not as warm and inviting as one might expect. Sometimes, churches are more than anyone could anticipate as you immediately feel welcomed and accepted into a loving Body of Christ.

There can be stark contrasts.

If you have ever shot any pictures, you know the lighting makes all the difference in the world. Whether its color or black and white... it's all about having just enough light to make a good or bad photo.

How is the light meter reading in your Body of Christ where you go to church? Do you have the Son of God glowing with light beams from within you as a member of His Body of Christ when approaching others, or as others approach you?

Do visitors, or other members, return because they can sense the Light of Jesus in your fellowship... in your hello... in your encouragement for them to come again?

"How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O LORD, they walk in the light of Your countenance." Psalm 89:15

What if Jesus showed up in your church to worship, as He lives in each of His believers? Would Jesus feel offended if he sat in "someone’s place...cause that's where they've always sat?"

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Have you ever wondered if the inside of your church was as inviting as the outside of this little church's appearance? Or would Jesus feel the love for which He died... as you represent Him as a member of His Body of Christ... no matter where you attend church, worship, work, live, any place you go, any place you happen to be, whatever you do... because you and I are always representing Christ as His believers no matter where we go or how we (you or me) behave.

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

Picture your church on the inside out. Try to imagine a viewfinder in front of you if you were to snap a photograph. What kind of light does your church reflect?

If Jesus was your guest next time you attend worship at church, would you remember to introduce Him to others? Have you introduced anyone to Him lately? When asking these questions, I ask myself the same, for I am just as accountable.

"Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." John 8:12

A picture can say more than words. How do you picture yourself? Are you allowing Jesus to shine His Light in you? That's the only way it's ever going to be "picture perfect."
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*All Scripture references are NASB

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chasing Change

Do you go through cycles or sporadic times in your life seeking or “chasing” change due to boredom which could relate to insecurities? Maybe never committing to learn more about who you are as an individual as God sees you, or as you see yourself?

Or maybe your life has evolved to appease another instead of learning who you as His child, as an individual. A relationship with God is one on one. It’s personal and intimate. When you are learning more about yourself through God’s eyes, He wants time with just you in prayer, devotion or worship to know you and you to know your God.

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God, I will gird you, though you have not known Me; That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun, that there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other” Isaiah 45:5 (NIV)

If you are discontent with your life and worldly goods…maybe thinking a new car… a new diet… or new clothes… new tools… a new boat, etc., maybe anyone of those options or others would hopefully create some excitement and change.

Based on my experience, I have discovered those are temporary solutions and often costly, financially and emotionally, only to learn the root of my problem. I was not secure with myself or I would not have been chasing change for so long. I tried to find happiness in material possessions.

Giving God complete control will resolve any issues you have in your life. I am living proof of a miraculous change of heart as I currently live on faith with my business.

Deep seeded trust in the Father is so much easier to say than do. I know. I was chasing change with chaos constantly bombarding my thoughts as panic would often eruption. Basically, it was the adversary keeping me spinning with whisperings to deceive what I thought I had to have!

Until I made the decision to trust God completely, I knew I would continue to live in a world of confusion as I was allowing deceit to overshadow truth.

Once I learned fear was the root to my insecurities, anxiety, nervousness…. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7 (KJV) I was no longer was afraid of the “what if’s” in my life. Once I fully grasped the absolute truth is Jesus Christ, then my fears subsided. My mindset changed because truth wipes out fear.

“For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” Romans 1:25 (NASB)

When I allowed God to instill His truth and unconditional love within me because I chose Him, I chose His will, His ways... the compulsive and spontaneous nature of having to change or purchase material things ceased. Of course, I was and am still tested. But I am far from where I was when I lean on God for His strength.

In reflecting on my life, I was literally chasing change in a metaphorical sense… as if coins or paper money were scattered with the wind carriying them in different directions while I would chase any change, believing that would make me happy.

Where was I headed? What was my true North?

My compass was way off as it seemed my needle was constantly fluctuating, spinning round and round. But my true North is God; I seek the Trinity with a complete new mindset every day.

It takes a lot of discipline to renew your mind and change your ways. I desired God to make me a new person. I prayed to have a closer relationship with Him, I discovered more about Him, about me, about my world with Him in the center.

“And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 (NIV) Once I rededicated my life to Him, I felt completely secure and content with who I was as a child of God.

This kid is no longer chasing change. I know the direction I am headed... and you know what…. I am not nearly as tired figthing against my old sef!

Praise God for His peace when we give everything to Him!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Prayer 101

“Back the basics” became my new mindset when I started rebuilding and refreshing what I learned about God, Jesus Christ but now with a much clearer understanding of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer quickly evolved as my passion for Jesus intensified with more knowledge of what was expected of me to become more Christ-like.

When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at age nine, I’m not quite sure I fully comprehended how to pray to God. When it came to prayer times with Him, my prayers were memorized.

“When I lay me down to sleep, etc. …” was the prayer I would repeat before… or usually just after I had crawled into bed. Then mother would ask me as she walked down the hall towards my room to tuck me in at night, “Have you said your prayers?” “No,” I would say under my breath as I would sigh, crawl out of bed with a great deal of reluctance, getting down on my knees with my hands folded and say my night time prayer. How it must have hurt God to know it was a habit more than a desire, but that wasn't always the case. I have been writing poetry since I was ten. So I think God knew I was kid who needed His understanding until I could mature, physically and spiritually.

“God is good, God is great, etc. …” was the quick reliable meal time prayer when I was called on at the dinner table, except once when I thanked God for candy cigarettes. Many, many years ago, they were a candy treat which seemed harmless. Some kids would use them to pretend to smoke. Not me. I was a “healthy sized” child and just chomped down on the sugary goodies as if they were just great tasting sticks of candy! No one in my family smoked, so I wasn’t trying to imitate any one. However, after my mention of thanking the Father for “candy cigarettes” at the dinner table, my mother who has an absolutely terrific sense of humor…wasn’t laughing! I didn’t mention them again.

So how does one pray? How do you learn to pray? I refer to the Bible for the answers as I prayerfully write this blog hoping to help or remind someone how we as Christians are to pray.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:5-7 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth; they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”

Prayer 101 for me was getting back the basics of how I was to communicate with our Father in Heaven. After 20 years in communications as a profession, you’d think I would score big on this subject. But I was FAR from knowing what I needed to say. Better yet, I was far from understanding what God wanted to hear in my prayers or communicate to Him.

God already knows what’s going on, so why did I have to say it?

Jesus gives is clear as I understand it... “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

To receive anything from God; to give God praise and thank Him; to ask forgiveness of sinful ways or wrong doings; to forgive others who do wrong to you; to pray for others who are in need of God’s help or healing; or whatever is going on, or has gone on in your world… try to be specific when you pray in asking and sharing what’s in your thoughts.

Create a prayer closet! This is a huge help for me when I pray. I can sense a true intimacy with the Father. Bathrooms with doors closed are good places. In making time to pray, even if it’s brief at some point during your day, peace and joy can be sensed as you learn to depend on God more and more.

Remember when praying… ASK, as Jesus stated. In my understanding, that means I need to be specific what I need to ask for. First, is forgiving me of my sins which I specifically list as things come to mind. I also thank God for hearing my prayers as I BELIEVE He will answer my prayer request.

Again…. Jesus said ASK then He said BELIEVE. He goes to say in the same Scripture that “it will be yours.” Jesus said… only if you believe and ask!

Believing requires knowing with all your heart and soul, with every fiber in your being… which leads to faith. Faith believes without seeing. So when you ask for comfort, peace, blessings, or whatever comes to mind…. God will answer your prayers!

Granted, it may not be in your timing but He will answer your prayer. How do I know? Because the Bible tells us so and I believe the infallible Word of God. But I also have experienced God answering my prayers!

He knows your needs and the desires of your heart. “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4

Ask Him in prayer... communicate to Hin your needs and desires to be fulfilled that will bring glory to the Father. We are on earth to do just that...give glory to God! It’s all about God! In praying to the Father, we grow closer to Him as we seek His direction for our paths.

Rejoice and praise God in your prayers. As it is written in I Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

Prayer is the connection… the communication… between you and your Heavenly Father. Prayer is so simple yet so powerful and seemingly so under used! It is a basic in our relationship with God, our Heavenly Father.

He is waiting on you as He is eager to hear from His child.

Have you made time for Him in prayer today?

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*NIV used in all Scripture references.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I See and I Saw

Nothing has ever uplifted my spirits with such a euphoric WOW of excitement as when I became aware of the Holy Spirit! My soul was absolutely overflowing with sheer joy and deep passion for Jesus Christ! I had never experienced anything like it. I could have easily been pegged as an “extremist” as I felt as if I had just been awakened from a “going-through-the-motions” slumber for the last decades! I could not read enough about the Word or learn from others who had experienced the contagious thrill of knowing the full Trinity. As a wordsmith, I still can not adequately describe the essence of learning the Trinity.

However, if you are imagining me as a “Jesus Saves” megaphone extremist … well, I wasn’t THAT extreme. You might say I was borderline “fanatical.” A Christian brother commented after I had explained my exciting newfound learning of the Holy Spirit, “Well, if you’re going to be a fanatic at least it’s about God!”

In a sense, that is so true! But I have also learned walking with a Christ-like attitude illustrates to others that Jesus Christ lives within you. “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him…” Colossians 2:6 (NASB)

As the Holy Spirit guides you, it shows in your actions and how you present yourself to others as you shop (less than your best or friendly); how you drive (courteous or ready to ram the car who just pulled out in front of you); watch on TV (blood and guts or family oriented), what you read (gossip rag sheets or newsworthy information); your choice of clothing (decent versus skimpy); what you say (foul mouth or clean mouth)…. Everything reflects the “Christ” in you or the lack of your will to allow "Christ" to be seen within you. Everything.

I have learned to balance when I speak about God as I remember I am to set an example. It seems most people, even believers, will more than likely turn a deaf ear to what you have to say if you can’t talk about a multitude of other subjects and continue to reflect the “Christ” within you.

Here’s another perspective in trying to find my balance.

When I first stepped out on faith, I resigned from a terrific corporate job. Not all of my friends agreed with my decision. It’s understandable since I had 20 years of a wonderful communications career, finally climbing the ladder of success according to worldly standards. But I knew way deep down in my spirit and soul, God was calling me to “Follow Him.” I felt He wanted me to use the skills He gave me in communications, for His glory. I gladly obeyed. It was the hardest/best/painful/joyful experience I have ever encountered in my entire life!

Some of my friends understood my devotion to God and could “see” how much I changed for the good. Other friends were out of sorts as they “saw” my actions as just walking away from financial security. I was definitely experiencing a “see-saw” spectrum as my world seemed out of balance with my friends, who were a large part of my life.

I prayed to the Father asking… “What is it with my friends? It seems some agree. Others don’t. I feel as my life is like a see-saw with so many ups and downs.” God answered by way of the Holy Spirit as the thought was very clear: “If you take your see-saw, balance it, nail it to a board, then it’s called a cross.”

What a wonderful example! In finding my balance, I needed to stay focused on the cross which represents what Jesus Christ did for each of us as our Savior. “…and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians 5:2 (NASB)

When I find my balance, my day is so much better. Keeping my balance requires a Christ-like walk towards others, who are your neighbors… “And He answered, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’” Luke 10:27 (NASB)

When I earnestly read the Word of God with a heartfelt desire of love and not out of habit, (reflect back to Luke 10:27)… I learn so much more about how to cope, how to balance.

When I pray to the Father whether I’m troubled… “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 (NASB)

Or pray with peacefulness… “The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.” Numbers 6:26 (NASB). I know God is the only One who can teach me how to balance my see as I saw where I allowed things to toggle back and forth.

As I continue to struggle some days just like other believers, that’s when I am learning to depend on God more for His guidance. As I lean on God, He shows me how to balance. “Honest scales and balances are from the LORD; all the weights in the bag are of His making.” Proverbs 16:11 (NIV)

The times when I am more focused on Jesus Christ versus me… me… me… are the times my see-saw is closer to being balanced which reflects in my Christ-like walk towards others and towards God.

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