For some reason, I felt as if I were in the movie “Field of Dreams,” except there were no visions or anyone saying a repeated chant. Instead, I believe it was an innate calling from the Father to walk in this field for some reason.
Just about every time I would feel discouraged, I had a tendency to take a walk to have a silent little talk with Jesus in my thoughts. And just about every time, I would find myself in the same cotton field in just about the same place which was the middle of the field. I started referring to it as my “Field of Real.” It is my personal sanctuary.
A sanctuary is a refuge, a safe place, or a holy place. I use to automatically think of a church building, but then I learned to seek God in other places… just about anywhere in addition to a church service or place of worship.
Do you have a sanctuary… a place where you feel the Spirit of God moving you or teaching you as you read the Bible or anything motivation to learn more about Him? Or perhaps a place for just God and you to talk that is away from others?
In my “Field of Real,” which has an amazing peaceful serenity everything I walk to the middle, no matter how low or how high the cotton grows… or how low or how high my spirits become.. I always feel better! Even when the cotton has already been harvested, this cotton field has become a wonderful sanctuary. I dare say, no one else would probably get the same quiet, peaceful essence which seems to calm my spirit and soul as a gentle breeze makes me fully aware, God is with me.
I have felt His presence in other places, too. As I have also felt His lack of presence at other times in other places where it doesn’t seem the Father is honored or respected. Of course, He is there. It just doesn’t seem as obvious to me.
"This also will be my salvation, for a godless man may not come before His presence.” Job 13:16 (NASB)
Another astonishing happening as I walk out into my sanctuary as it never fails; one or all of our outside animals will come and join me. I find it delightfully rare since we are talking cats and dogs that don’t always get along with one another when they are closer the house. But in this cotton field, there is a peacefulness all around as the pets will take a place near me and lie down or sit. It amazes me how God works through the simplest of ways to see if we are noticing the little details in life.
Mostly I spend time in the field praying to the Father reverently talking out loud. There is no one else anywhere around, except the pets. It’s really like a prayer closet with invisible walls. I always feel better when I spend time in the field. It releases me, as I know God is hearing my prayers which I so grateful.
In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:10 (NIV)
According to this Scripture, I am not the only one who feels better when I release my sins by repenting. I have great support from the heavenly!
As I try more each day to live as I should for the Father, HIS will… HIS way! It is NOT an easy process to say the least. But I am such a better person now than I was before but it is all do to the fact that I am allowing God to pick me clean, just like the cotton so it can be used for other purposes.
My prayer continues to be, for God to use me in His fabric of ministry in some small way as His Word spins around our "rapidly getting smaller” world in which we live.
Now, wasn’t that a good cotton pickin’ devotional?
Grinnin' and pickin' up lessons as the Lord teaches as I am out-standing in my field!
“Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said ‘Amen’ and ‘Praise the LORD.’” 1 Chronicles 16:36 (NIV)
Amen and Praise the LORD!!!