Friday, June 19, 2009

The Winds of Humility and Humidity

After being employed in my hometown area for 15 years, I believed it was time to move on to “greener” ($igns) pastures. I “assumed” God was all over my great career opportunity.

God has always blessed me immensely in my professional career. I believed being selected as the director of marketing for one of the State of Florida’s largest programs was a huge blessing from the Father! But what I have come to understand is that God allows each of us to see how far we think we can make it on our own. Sometimes what seems like a blessing can actually be a temptation, not turning out as wonderful as we might have anticipated.

God was not in my decision making process when I said “Yes.” I realized what a huge mistake I made… after the fact. But that’s how lessons are learned, right? Well, humility was the lesson I learned moving six hours to Florida from Georgia. Big, expensive lesson I deemed on myself… which I call a “consequence.”

On the Friday morning before Katrina was to hit land the next day, I turned in my resignation letter to my surprise since I been there less than a year. What I had experienced was spiritual conflict in my work place. It was not pleasant. I was uneducated how to defend myself. I believe it was God’s way of teaching me adversity, whatever it cost … my job, my income, my career growth, etc. It was a great reminder for me that God is in full control… especially when I kept walking away from His call on my life.

Although I was not near Katrina’s devastation, it was a close call for a few hours since the meteorologists had no idea which Gulf shore would be hit with a category 5+ at 200 miles per hour. Even though there was only minor wind damage in Tallahassee, the town changed overnight by the overflow of people flocking inward for safety.

I saw countless people who had become homeless within hours as they lived out of their expensive name brand cars, and luxurious motor homes which more than likely used primarily for vacations.

Of all times, I was headed inland, too. I knew leaving Florida was the only decision as I prayerfully included the Father this time. He literally provided a way home for me. I was able to rent the last U-Haul large enough to carry my belongings. Gas was rationed to 10 gallons. The U-Haul tank was 50 gallons. The mark on the gas gauge was near “E” as I could relate!

As I sat in a long gas line, waiting to get my allowable 10 gallons of gas at nearly $3.00 a gallon, I asked if I could purchase more. Of course, the answer was “No.” Then I proceeded to my neighborhood gas/food mart where I bought breakfast every day before work. I thanked God as the store clerk remembered me and said, “Go ahead and fill her up.”

My landlord not only graciously let me out of my lease, but he and his friends helped me load and returned my deposit in full. God was definitely working with me as I began drawing nearer to Him. God was patiently waiting for me to choose His will for my life as He had already begun trying to prepare me to turn to Him completely! I sensed it. Instead, I had chosen my will.

In 1989, I was less than three minutes from being in the path of the tornado which ripped through southeast Huntsville. Where I lived and worked was devastated. God had protected my path as I was headed to the grocery store when a coworker came out to get me from my car. For a brief moment, I debated whether to go back in the office or head to Airport Road…the direct path of the tornado which killed 11 people. But my gut feeling (understanding now it was the Holy Spirit) led me to safety.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NASB)

Years later I would I found myself reflecting back on both devastating storms that seemed to gently pass me by. I’m sure many people have been in horrific storms and lived to tell about it. But both storms were just close enough for me to reach out to the Father seeking His safety.

What were the lessons learned? Many!

My humidity was greater than my humility to serve God and do His will. Our inner humidity, creating temperatures or tension to rise or tempers to flare, might be greater than humbling ourselves to the Father. It’s no wonder personal storms rage within us when we are not humbling ourselves before God, the creator of all storms within and around our lives!

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10 (NIV)

I never realized how many times I wasn’t just near a storm; my life was a continuous state of storms with… chaos; selfishness; an unforgiving spirit: neglectful to thank God and praise God; read His Word and understand more about growing as His servant … a vow every believer takes when they say “I want Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.”

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2 (NIV)

I thank God for His protection as I finally did completely surrender to His will. It is an on-going process. He has taught me how to lower my inner humidity to all time low as I have learned to humbly bow before My God no matter what storms prevail within.

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